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It was only a matter of minutes before I too gathered my stuff and left the studio, a frown on my face as unhappy thoughts crossed my mind about the exchange I'd just witnessed.

My boyfriend's words had surely been way too out there, and he had no right to say any of that considering he didn't truly know everything that had happened between Harry and I, and I knew that Harry hadn't enjoyed them either, considering he'd left in a hurry - and for the first time, I truly couldn't blame him for doing that. It'd been exactly awkward and embarrassing, and a bit hurtful, too. I knew I should've probably apologised to him on my boyfriend's behalf, because he'd literally brought up again something we'd just agreed to leave in the past, and he'd done it in an inappropriate way, too.

On the other side, though, I knew that Nicholas was just trying to be helpful when he'd said that - even though it hadn't been helpful in the slightest, quite the opposite, actually. I regretted telling him about it all, because it really wasn't a situation he should've had to worry about.

It had been so easy to complain about Harry with him, though, that it just made sense for him to want to play the role of the protective boyfriend and defend me in front of Harry, so I wasn't even sure if I could be mad at him for saying something like that and embarrassing me and upsetting Harry, or not. It probably was just my fault, I should've never let those two worlds mix, I should've known nothing good would've come out of it.

By the time I arrived at home I'd already decided to let the whole thing go, but I still wanted to talk to Nicholas about that, to make sure that something like that wouldn't have happened ever again.

"What the hell was that?" I asked in the instant I entered the apartment, closing the door behind myself, and Nicholas turned his head, looking at me from where he was sitting on the couch.

"What was what?" He asked back, as if he simply had no clue of what I was talking about, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes at that.

"You know what" I replied, taking off my coat and hanging it next to his before taking off my shoes too and bringing them to their rightful place. "That was really embarrassing, for me, and Harry too."

He finally turned off the television, finally deciding to listen to me. "It wasn't embarrassing" he replied. "Someone had to tell him."

I sighed. "Whatever happened between me and him was none of your business. You don't know what truly happened."

"I just know what you told me, but you were being quite extensive when you were complaining some weeks ago" he commented, and I sighed again, because I'd known that the fault of what had happened was mine, and that was the proof. I should've never told him about it, it truly should've been none of his concern.

I shook my head at that. "I don't care what I told you about this all, you simply shouldn't have done it. You made me feel like I can't deal with those things on my own."

"That wasn't my intention, you know that" he said quickly. "It just pissed me off a bit that you were laughing with him when I arrived, even after everything you told me" he admitted.

I sent him a weird glance. Why did he care if I was laughing with him instead of arguing with him? It truly was none of his business how I decided to spend my time with Harry, and I was surely allowed to joke with him if I thought that was the right thing to do, without having to worry about what my boyfriend would've said.

I couldn't tell whether he'd said that because he was pissed that I'd let Harry off the hook so easily, or because he simply didn't trust me around my ex boyfriend, and if I had to be honest, I didn't really want to know. I knew it would've inevitably pissed me off a lot if I'd discovered that the real reason was the second option, and I really didn't want to get mad at him, especially for something like that, because if I had, the argument would've surely become a way bigger issue than it was, and I was a bit too tired for that in that moment, and all I wanted to do was to cuddle up to him and enjoy my evening.

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