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Sierra collection, poem 50, version 6
S50.6 by H. E. S. (March 10, 2020 version)

Like the bird in the night
flies high towards the moon,
a butterfly in the light
of a summer day of mid-June,
spots of colour in the sky,
remembrance in the mind's eye,
You walk along the tulips' blooms;
I say, please direct the flumes,
drown me in your lake water,
ignite my soul with laughter,
bend my will to yours;
I'll stay in this bed for hours
'cause I'm lost in your reality;
a wanderer you called me,
from your smile I made my sanity,
a sailor lost at sea,
destroy my mind, you siren
I don't need it any longer.
For too long I was numb,
I thought I couldn't run any faster,
now I know we were too young.
I don't regret what has been
but I need you by my side,
from my past I am clean
Angel, we have nowhere to hide
no corners left to turn
no ditches to walk over,
for your approval I yearn
I want you to be my lover.
The sun is setting over the ocean
shiny highlights on the blue water,
the winter winds are in motion,
of my survival be the fautor
'cause darling, you have my devotion
Trust me, from now on I will not falter.
Like the bird in the night
and the butterfly in the light
be the source of my delight.
I know for me you're too bright
but I'll linger in your shade,
hide me from the winter wind,
never again, please, let me fade
you have my soul and my mind
keep them safe, away from my eyes;
don't let me destroy your wings
turn your happy chirps to cries.
After the winters there will be springs
and after the springs will be summers,
hibiscus flowers in your mum's garden.
We're yet to see so many wonders,
if you'll offer me your pardon
we'll still have a page to turn
and shiny new lines to write
a hundred new stories to learn
a thousand ways to make it right.
Be my bird and my butterfly,
make yours my night sky
Be what makes my day glow
sing away my darkest shadow;
Too many afternoons you did roam,
now, nightingale,
Let the light lead you back home.

A/N: If this isn't the end of an era, I don't know what is. I remember when I first started writing Artwork, over two years ago. I didn't know much about myself, just like I didn't know what my limits were as a writer. I feel like I've discovered a lot about myself over the past two years and grown as a person and a writer, which is reflected on my stories.

Thank you so much to every single one of you that chose to undertake this journey with me, whether you've been here since the start of joined later on. Your comments truly kept me going, and your support pushed me to try to do better and better every single time. Thank you so much for everything. If I'm proud of calling myself a writer now, it's only thanks to you.

I hope you enjoyed the Artwork series just as much as I enjoyed writing it. I won't lie, I'll miss it greatly. It's been the focus of my attention for years now, and it makes me quite melancholic to say goodbye to it once and for all. I hope it brought something to you just as I know it left a trace on me.

If you have anything to say about the series or you want to talk about it, I'm here. It'd make me more than happy to hear your opinions on it.

Lastly, just because this journey has come to an end, it doesn't mean there aren't others just ready to start. It'd mean a lot to me if you checked out my two stories "Interlude" and "Lux", they're both in their first chapters and it'd make me incredibly happy if you chose to stick around for their journeys as well. If you want to, you can also check out my story "Facade", which will end soon as well.

Thank you so much again. I'll see you again in Lux and Interlude,


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