── iv,

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The wind blew through Amelia's hair as she peddled down the road. She couldn't keep her mind off of Crowley. The way his eyes sparkled—the way they clouded with darkness so easily. She wasn't paying attention, and her bike drifted towards the middle of the street. A small sigh escaped her lips as she continued to think about him.

On a better day, Amelia would've noticed the black Bentley that was currently speeding straight towards her. The sudden screeching of tires made her jolt her head to look behind her. The car collided with her body, sending her and the bike to the ground. Her head smacked against the pavement. It wasn't at full force, but it was enough to scrape her elbows and hands. The car door opened, and Crowley stepped out.

"You again," he grumbled with an exaggerated sigh. She winced as she tried to sit up.

"Y-You hit me," Amelia stammered out softly, her tone making it sound like a question.

"No—You got in the way of my car. Two completely different things," Crowley informed. An airy gasp escaped her lips as she felt warm liquid drip down her forehead. She used her fingers to touch it, instantly noticing the blood.

"I-I, I don't feel so good," she stated. Her eyelashes started to flutter. She didn't like the sight of blood. It made her feel sick. Crowley pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed deeply. The only thing on his mind was how inconvenient this was for him.

Eventually, he moved over to help her off of the ground, "Alright, love. Shake it off." She griped his arm tight as she started to feel dizzy. Her eyelids grew heavier by the second. She could feel herself fainting. "Please, don't—don't do whatever you're about to do," he scowled. Her body grew limp as she fell into him.

"Of course," Crowley sighed. He grunted as he picked her up bridal style. "Alright, in you go, love." He opened the car door and struggled to lay her across the back seats. He accidentally smacked her head against the door, causing him to let out a wince. "Oof—You'll be feeling that when you wake up."

He leaned over and brushed her hair out of her face. His eyebrows knitted together as he looked at her unconscious state. Her breathing was shallow and her face was expressionless. "Peculiar, you are," he exclaimed. After a moment, he closed the door and got into the front seat.

          "You've lost the boy," Azriaphale's voice rang throughout Amelia's ears. She crinkled her nose and fluttered her eyelashes as she stirred awake.

          "We've" lost the boy," Crowley corrected.

          "A child has been lost, but you still know his age—his birthday. He's 11."

          "You make it sound easy."

          "Well, it can't be that hard. I just hope nothing's happened to him," Aziraphale said.

          "Happened? Nothing's happened to him. He happens to everything," Crowley snapped. Amelia started to sit up.

          "So, we only have to find his birth records. Go through the hospital files."

          "And then what?" Crowley asked.

          "And then we find the child."

          "And then what?" he repeated impatiently, turning to look at him.

          "Watch out for that pedestrian!" Azriaphale called out worriedly. Crowley swerved by her just in time.

          "She's on the streets, she knows the risks she's taking," Crowley scowled.

          "Just watch the—watch the road!" Azriaphale pleaded. He let out a sigh, "W-Where is this hospital, anyways?"

          "A village near Oxford, Tadfield."

          "Crowley, you can't do 90 miles an hour in Central London!"

          "Why?" he asked, as if it wasn't a big deal.

          Amelia leaned over towards the middle, "Because you'll get us killed." Crowley glanced at her, as did Azriaphale.

          "Ah, look who's awake. How's your head, love?" Crowley questioned. Amelia let out a soft groan.

          "It hurts," She answered honestly.

          "Aw, what a shame. Would you like a band-aid—or maybe a cup of tea?" A small frown tugged on her lips as she realized he was just being an asshole.

          "You'll have to excuse him, dear. He's quite rude," Azriaphale told her. Crowley rolled his eyes and scoffed. Amelia realized that he had his sunglasses on again. She furrowed her eyebrows as she looked him over.

          "See something you like, doll?" Crowley questioned, a small smirk forming on his lips. Amelia's eyes widened and she turned to look somewhere else.

          "W-Where are we going?" she asked hesitantly.

          Azriaphale turned to face her, "I think it's best we explain it to you on the way."

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