pride month special

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Lady glitter sparkle had discovered something. It was June, the gayest month, and it was time to admit something she had been lying to herself about for years. First, she reflected on all that had brought her to this moment, where she finally accepted herself for who she was in front of God and everyone at the sermon.

Actually, upon reflection, nothing had brought her here. She had just decided this now, moments before walking into the Bible stand thingy.
"Lady glitter sparkle!" the announcer announced announcingly, snapping lady glitter sparkles out of her referee.
        Lady glitter sparkles stepped up to the microphone, legs shaking for 2 reasons. Shakily, she tried to deliver the required sermon, but she simply couldn't, this new thing about herself she'd discovered causing her immense excitement. She simply couldn't wait until the end of the sermon. After much attempt, she gave up on the sermon and merely gave up. She leaned into the microphone and spoke her truth:
         "You know what? I'm not even sure why I'm at a church in this narrative. I killed God back when I was four with just a blink of my eyes. You can't stop me from being the baddest bad bitch there ever was. So, today, pride month, im finally ready to speak MY truth. I just got out of a very serious relationship, and I am thriving as a single individual. But this is something I've been repressing for a while. So I'm just going to come out and say it, and fuck anyone who says any different, because it's pride month, bruh, and I can love whoever I want to."
Lady glitter sparkles took a deep breath and said what she'd known to be true her entire life and had been repressing for years.
"I'm parapelegic."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2019 ⏰

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