Chapter 11

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Today is the next day. Day numero dos of my prison sentence, which might I add may hurry up and end. My first 2 classes were double chemistry, so I strolled to my locker and got my books before stuffing them into my bag.

Chemistry wasn't too far of a walk away, but it wasn't short either. It took a few minutes but I eventually got there. These were my first classes of chemistry this year so I didn't know who was in my class yet.

I walked in and only a few people were here, it seems that I in fact didn't make it on time but I was early.... that's a rare occasion. More rare than winning the lottery, and that's a fact.

I sit down in the back right corner by the window, what can I say daydreaming is my profession and a window just boosts my ability to do it.

I sat looking out of the window with my earphones in for at least a good 5-10 minutes until I felt someone sit down beside me. I paused my music and looked up and it was the beauty herself Sam Evans.

I was in no mood from the day before, so I just sat there content staring out of the window. As per usual I felt a light tap on my right shoulder.  "Look I know your just trying to help, but please, not today Sam"  I said quite honestly.

She gave me a puzzled look in return, almost like she was trying to figure me out and if I was just saying that to make her not talk to me. But I was being genuinely serious, today I just wanted to be left alone.

"Sorry Karin"  she kept her sentence short and looked rather disappointed. I felt bad I really did but I was just not in the mood. I turned my music down low so I could hear somewhat of what the teacher was saying.

I filled in a few worksheets before I got bored, I sat there tapping my pencil on the table hoping time would pass by quicker than it was going. First period had ended which means I was into period 2 of chemistry.

"Ok class seeing as you have all worked exceptionally well, we can do a practical experiment this period"  Mrs whatever her name is said. "So that also means you guys need to get a lab partner, you can pick who your paired with"  she added.

So basically I sat there and waited for that one person who didn't have a partner, and of course it was Sam. I guess none of her friends were in this class otherwise she would've went off with one of them.

"Guess your stuck with me" she gave me a shy smile. I gave a faint smile back and replied "I guess so". Basically we had to pour chemicals on food and do a table on which ones corroded.

It was ok until I set my hand down on the desk and Sam had spilled a puddle of whatever shit we were using right where I'd put my hand on the table. Instantly I pulled my arm back as quick as I could.

"Ah fuck"  I yelled in pain. My skin felt like it was on fire and started to burn. Sam instantly grabbed my wrist and forced my hand under running water.
I clenched my jaw and gritted my teeth because it hurt like hell.

I pulled my hand back and headed towards the door with my stuff. "Where are you going"  Sam called after me. "To the nurse obviously" I replied back. I hurried up the corridor towards the main pavilion.

I heard footsteps behind me so I figured Sam had scurried out after me. Finally she caught up with me and we walked in step towards the nurse.

When we eventually got there I had to have cream applied and my hand bandaged up, it hurt pretty bad when I tried to move it. "I'm so sorry Karin I forgot to clean it up"  Sam let out a distressed apology.

"Really Sam it's ok, I still have my hand it's not like it completely disintegrated"  I chuckled lightly.
She nodded her head and gave me a weak smile implying she was grateful I wasn't angry at her.

So moral of the story is I was 'sent home early'. And no, I didn't go home, I actually ended up ditching with Sam. She insisted shed accompany me for the rest of the day seeing as it was her fault that my hand had got burned.

Obviously me being me I wasn't fazed by this. Why would I be, Sam is the most beautiful girl in the world. I'm lucky getting to spend the rest of the day with her.

"So lunch?" I turned to face her and gave her a questioning look.  "Yeah sure"  Sam solemnly agreed.  "I'll drive" I quickly butted in.  "Ok"  she hummed. We exited the school doors and walked down the steps towards the parking lot.

"I didn't know this car was yours Karin"  she gave me a quizzical look.  "Well now you know, don't you"  I chuckled. Sam just rolled her eyes and smiled. I guess I forgave her quickly about the whole 'you can tell your a king' thing and for literally burning my hand. Aw well that's just the way I am.

Time skip to later in the day

"Thanks for lunch" Sam said getting out of my car. "No problem" I simply replied. "Sam where the fuck have you been" Jess the lacrosse captain screams. I didn't know them two were friends.

"Karin offered to take me out for lunch" she said timidly. "Oh, so little miss 'I'm a badass' over here can take you out for lunch and I can't even take you out for our usual date last night" she fired back.

No way.

They're dating!


Just my luck I fall for a girl who's in a relationship. "The only reason I took her for lunch is because she felt bad about my hand and it was just to reassure her I wasn't mad, really Jess you gotta chill man" I explained.

"Listen here King dont tell me to fucking chill when your all up on my girl" (putting emphasis on my last name) she shoves me and I stumble back into the side of my car. Ok now I'm getting angry.

"For the sake of Sam I'm not gonna beat your ass because I know how to respect a girl" I scoffed. Jess' face now looked angrier than before. I wasn't gonna hit her, that's last resort stuff right there.

Unexpectedly Jess pulls her arm back getting ready to swing at me. But when she does I quickly duck out of the way. "Jess! What are you doing!" Sam yells. "Teaching this low life a lesson" she said through gritted teeth.

Quickly after that she goes for another. I catch her wrist with my hand before it could make contact with my face. "Seriously Jess I'm not fighting you" I say getting angry now. "Why cause your a pussy King is that why" she challenges me.

I sigh. Violence was not the answer but she was really getting on my nerves. I twisted her arm so it was now behind her back and she yelped in pain. "Karin stop what the fuck your gonna break it" Sam lunges at me and tore my hand away from Jess' arm.

I scoff "I could've done worse things, that was me going easy". "Come on Jess" Sam drags Jess away to her car and a minute or two later they tear out of the parking lot leaving me alone with my thoughts.

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