Chapter 29

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I wake up to an empty bed. Sam must've woke up and gone home because her stuff wasn't in my room anymore. I sit up and stretch before swinging my feet off the bed and onto the cold wooden floor.

I stroll out and she's leaning against my island with a worried look on her face. "What's up Sam is something wrong" I questioned her uneasy aura.

"Did we have sex last night" her voice barely above a whisper. "God Sam no! What type of person do you think I am, I'd never take advantage of someone in a state like that" I cried out.

"I'm actually a tiny bit offended thatd you'd even think that" I said walking over to my cupboard and pulling out a frying pan. The stress that was in her body left and her face relaxed. "Sorry I just woke up and you had no clothes on and I was wearing some of yours" she said rubbing her forehead.

"It's fine, but I am definitely not like that, at all" I replied giving her a reassuring smile over my shoulder. "I hope your hungry cause I sure am" I laughed. "It looks like your in luck because I am" and as if it was on cue her stomach growled.

I laughed and went to my fridge and pulled out some, eggs, milk, bacon and cheese. "What're you making" Sam asked as she sat on a bar stool at my kitchen island. "Surprise" I replied almost instantly.

"Here you go" I said setting the plate down in front of her. "Is this a breakfast burrito" Sam laughed.
"Yeah what's wrong with breakfast burritos" I chuckled. "This is something my 7 year old cousin would eat for breakfast" she joked.

"Exactly 7 year old me would be quaking right now so be grateful" I said pulling a chair up beside her.
"Would you like anything to drink" I questioned her. "Umm just some water thanks"  Sam replied.

I hopped off my bar stool and went into the fridge, I took out a bottle of water for Sam and a Gatorade for me. "Here you go" I said placing it down beside her plate. "Thank you" she replied shortly before tucking in to her breakfast.

I look down at my watch, "we have school soon do you want me to stop by your house so you can get some clothes" I questioned her.
"Umm is it ok if I just wear some of your clothes" she asked quietly almost as if she was afraid to.

"Yeah that's completely fine, help yourself to anything in my closet" I said motioning to my bedroom. I followed behind Sam so I could get some clothes for myself too.

I decided id wear a long sleeve navy/white horizontal striped champion polo shirt with some grey Nike sweat shorts. I put on some white nike socks and a pair of mid navy/white Jordan 1s to match. I'm very colour coordinated when it comes to outfits.

I walk out into my kitchen and grab my keys and my backpack. "Are you ready to go cause we need to stop at your place so you can get your bag" I call out to Sam as she's still in my bedroom.

"Yeah I'm ready" she said walking into my view. Sam was wearing one of my off-white T-shirt's which looked oversized because I'm a bit bigger than her with a pair of black Calvin Klein sweat-shorts and she wore her own white airforce.

I chuckled out loud. "What are you laughing at" she gave me a puzzled look. "It's funny cause you look like a mini me" I smiled at her. "Come on let's go or we're gonna be really late" I added opening my apartment door.

I stop off at Sams house and she runs in to grab her backpack before coming back out and getting into my car throwing it in the backseat with mine. I pull into the the school parking lot and we get out and head into the main building.

Me and Sam have math class first period and we're a bit late so everyone's already in their lessons so we walk to class together. I open the door and allow Sam to enter before me and I close the door behind me "sorry were late mrs we got caught in a bit of traffic" Sam apologises.

"What, traffic to the girls bathroom" Hayden a member of the football team snickers. "Yeah traffic to the girls bathroom where your sister Emily was waiting for a threesome" I fired back. His sister Emily is in the grade below us.

His facial expression quickly changed from laughter to anger.
"What did you just say dyke" he countered. "You heard me Hayden, now sit your little chunky ass back down into your seat before you put too much on your plate" I said before walking to my chair positioned towards the back of the classroom and sit down beside Sam.

"You do know you gave him the reaction he was looking for" Sam said softly. "Yeah, but I gave him an answer he wasn't expecting" I replied pulling my books out of my bag. Math was boring as usual.

Sam kept making notes for me in my notebook even though I had told her it was fine and she didn't need to. But it's Sam, and her being her she did it for me anyway. The bell rang and signalled the end of class.

I had English next and Sam had health class. Sam and I were the last two to leave. When we walked out the door we seen Hayden and his football buddy Ryder leaning against a row of lockers that were situated across the hallway.

Sam eyes me as if to say 'why is he waiting there' and I just shrug my shoulders in response. I go to walk Sam to her next class when Hayden pushes himself off of the lockers and directly into my pathway stopping me in my tracks.

I obnoxiously rolled my eyes. "What do you want" I said with a small bit of attitude. "That was a very bold move you made in there, making a comment about my little sister King" he said getting up close and into my face. I can smell that dudes breath from here, ew!

I stick my finger into his chest and slowly push him backwards so he is no longer in a close proximity of me. "Well then don't dish out what you can't take Hayden, I thought you would already have known that by now" I replied with a neutral look on my face.

"Listen here dyke, you may think you run this place, but here's a big reality check for you, you don't" he said motioning to the hallways that surround us. "I don't know what stupid ideas you've got going on up in that thick skull of yours, but I definitely don't think I own anywhere" I stated.

"Now if you could please get out of my way so I can walk Sam to her next class I would appreciate it" I said shoving past him, Sam following in tow. He grabs me by the shoulder swinging me round to face him.

"You better watch that pretty little mouth of yours King, cause I'm giving you no more chances after this encounter" he said staring me dead in the eyes. I lift my arm up and pull his hand off of my shoulder releasing me from his pathetic hold.

"The same goes for you then Hayden, stay out of my way and keep your big mouth shut and I will do the exact same for you" And with that he grunted and walked the opposite direction, probably to his next class.

"What on earth is it with everyone in this school having some sort of grudge against you" Sam questioned me. "Unfortunately I don't have a valid answer for that Sam" I said shrugging my shoulders. "Let's get you to class though, the warning bell is about to go off any minute now" I added leading the way to her next class.

Nothing really happened between the rest of my classes mainly just me zoning out staring at something irrelevant that was outside and getting yelled at by teachers for not paying attention. Maybe if you made your classes even the slightest bit interesting I would actually pay attention. School really does suck sometimes.

I just want to go off to college on a soccer scholarship and get the fuck out of this town as quick and as far away as possible. So I guess I'm gonna have to hold out until then.

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