Chapter Forty-Four: Awakening

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What is this feeling? It's overwhelming. All I feel is tingling running up and down my limbs and it burns. Those voices, I hear so many of them Who are they?

Luna sat quietly on a bed. The room was rather dark other then the lines that ran through the marbled rock walls. They glowed a bright white occasionally and at times faded back down. The floors were black, but had a reflection look to them. As she looked around the room, she found herself rather nervous. Something was missing, the people. She heard them, but couldn't find herself able to scream out for them. Her body was numb, and the pulse in the back of her head was painful. Luna had managed to pull herself up into the corner of the bed. All that laid on it was colored furs some wrapped with another strap of fur to make pillows. Nothing but the bed and her were in the empty room. Her clothing had been stripped and all that she had was a white blanket to wrap around herself, but she was so hot, she could barely accomplish that.

When the door opened, Luna tensed; quickly pulling a sheet over her face and shutting her eyes, "Who's there?" The hybrid stuttered as she spoke, but had finally managed to get something out, "You need to get away from me. My friends, where are they? Where am I?"

'Luna, it's alright.' A soft hum came from a familiar voice. Fex had closed the door behind him. His red eyes glowed in the dim room, and his blackened veins had gone flourscent blue in the room, 'You're awake, finally.' He walked over slowly, his hands up as he spoke to her, 'Do you remember me or what happened?' Fex stood closer to the bed now with his hands raised up. With the way she was acting, he worried she had forgotten him, again, 'You know what, I can just go get Zio-'

"Fex!" Luna jumped up and hugged him tightly as she stood on the bed, but immediately found herself weak in the knees, "You're okay!" Her eyes swelled with tears as she looked over him, "Jewel got it off? I'm so happy you're okay." The female pressed her forehead to his as her arms pulled him close, but even now she was finding it hard to stand.

Fex had returned the hug just as quickly as a toothed grin ran across his wide lips, 'Luna..' He purred as he sat down with her after seeing the struggle. A bandage was around his neck now, but he didn't seem to bothered by it, 'I can go get Zio if you want.' Fex always felt second to the male, but like him, he bonded with her just the same.

Luna shook her head. The female pulled him close for a tender kiss. The hybrid caressed her lips tenderly to his as she nuzzled herself in. At the time she wasn't to interested in Fex leaving her alone. The Irinaut female had few intentions on staying alone in that empty room much longer, "Just stay with me, please?" She pressed her forehead to his, "I don't want to be left by myself again."

Fex had been surprised by the tender kiss and returned it back all the same. She didn't seem to be ready to talk about it, and that made Fex rather curious, 'Well, I'm sure everyone wants to see you to. Are you feeling well?' He lifted her chin as he started to look her over. Fex's brow raised as he finally got a good look at her before letting out a soft grumble, 'I feel rest is best for you right now, my queen.' Fex leaned back against the wall of the bed before pulling her close in his lap. His large hands squeezed her thigh.

Luna was pale, but something had changed. The Hollow was well attached, but transferring energy for the first time was taking a toll. Down her neck, her veins glowed a bright gold tone, and it ran up her face as well in a branching pattern that ran down her cheeks. It even wrapped parts of her shoulder and chest. Luna admired the glow that he and Zio let off, "I feel strange, I know I'm tired, but it feels like I have all this energy at once as well." Though she didn't. The female was physically drained, and right now rest was the best thing for her. Luna gasped as she was pulled into his lap. She rested her head on his chest as her hands trailed up and down his chest, "I'm so glad you're alright. I was afraid you were-" Luna wiped her face, obviously trying to hold back her tears as her breath hitched a bit.

Fex's eyes widened a bit. He took her cheeks in his hands before lifting her chin so she faced him. A stubborn growl came from him, 'Hey, after seeing you handle a Hollow that size, I think I can handle some burns.' The male wiped her eyes as he looked at her, 'Tough Queen like you, I got a lot to prove.' Fex laughed a bit. A cackled growl came from him, 'You do need rest though, Luna.'

The two had calmed down after their hearty laugh. Her forehead rubbed tenderly to his as she returned another kiss. The blanket still wrapped around her frame was lazily sliding down to her hips. Luna's arms wrapped around his shoulders as she let out a soft gasp. Her lower lip quivered a bit as she found herself gasping for air a bit.

Fex wasn't one to say no. A dominant growl came from the male as he gripped her thick hips and pulled her forward. His long tongue coiled hers before long, and he laid her back on the bed. He panted heavily as his kisses ran down her neck, his hand reaching between her legs only to grip her soft thighs.

"H-hah.." Luna turned her head, lightly pushing against Fex's chest. As she hid her face, she found the male licking her neck, kissing down her chest with purr affection, "O-Ohh.." Her back arched, she panted softly, and her entire body had tensed. Even though she was worn, Fex's affections were pleasant.

Suddenly the door to the room slid open, Jewel walking inside. The female tensed, quickly letting out a loud scream, "Ah! Fex! What are you doing to her!? She's asleep!"

'Oh fuck!'



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