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These stories are perma-free on Wattpad, for fans of the Royal Series, who want to know a little more about what happened to some of the minor characters.

The Royal Series is an mpreg family saga that spans decades. These stories tell important back-stories and fill in some of the gaps of minor character's adventures, before and after Spencer came into their lives.

I hope you enjoy learning a little more about these characters and their journeys. Most can be read as a standalone, but are best enjoyed as part of the Royal series.

The stories appear in their chronological order.


The Archer & The Hunter (illustrated version)

a children's story that Spencer Rossier wrote for his son, Jaycob, in A Royal Craving. It was later published and became a widely renowned tale for children.


Love on a Battlefield : [August, 1894-February, 1895] : Braddock and Yalena (18k words)

Promised to Him : [June, 2093-January, 2094] : Finnegan and Antonio (20k words)

Too Young to Die : [August, 2110-June, 2114] : Harrington and Camryn (16k words)

Strangers Once Again : [October, 2114-April, 2115] Elex and Rence (18k words)

A Little Faith : [March, 2115-April, 2116] : Serafina (17k words)

The Royal Series 0 - A Royal ArchiveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon