Chapter 4

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Two Days Later

† Elex †

Frustration just did not cover it.

"It must be here!" Risteph exclaimed, as he rummaged through the twenty books spread across the floor in a frantic search for Spencer's latest novel. It was only one of four books they had discovered missing, so Elex sank onto the stool nearby and released a sigh of resignation.

"There is no point risking damage to yourself or the books, Risteph. It is quite clear that the four volumes are missing," he said, accepting the unfortunate truth. "We will write a detailed report of where they were before they were stolen, what their reference information is and where we purchased them from. That way the guards can check if they have been returned to their original libraries or owners, who have perhaps had second thoughts," he explained.

It would not be the first time. So many collectors died and left their books to their estate, only for the family to wish to be rid of the collection. It was only later that they discovered some important document, photograph or treasure lay within one of the books and attempted to retrieve every last one of them.

Not a new story, at all.

Elex rubbed the bridge of his nose and crossed to where Risteph sat on the floor. The poor lad looked both guilty and devastated for the loss of the books, perhaps because Spencer's was amongst the missing items. Either way, he held his hand out in an offer to help the lad to his feet. Vulnerable and upset or not, they would continue their work until they had finished the last room. Then they would count their losses and relax.

If four books were all they were to lose from a collection of thousands, they could count themselves lucky.

Before he could say such a thing, there was a knock followed by a; "Hello?"

"Jaycob?" Risteph frowned and accepted Elex's hand to rise, before venturing out of the side room and onto the main floor of the library.

They found Jaycob using magic to remove their temporary doorway, while glancing over his shoulder with a grin. "Hello, there! Father sent me with your new security measures, as I have to collect a book for Averie, anyway," he explained calmly, sounding quite pleased as four men walked into the library and began measuring the doorway.

Once they began their work, Jaycob set the temporary door to the side and left them to it, advancing towards Risteph to offer him a tentative hug of greeting. "Father spoke with the owner of the building and they have agreed that the security is obviously not as good as it used to be. With you and Norman both vulnerable humans," he continued, rolling his eyes in a sign that it was the owner and not Spencer who had said such a thing, "it was decided that the measures be updated. A strong steel door is being put into place and will have three locking mechanisms. There will also be a bell above the door, to signal whenever it is opened. Averie designed it himself."

He looked so proud of those last few words that Elex could only smile. "We are honoured to have such craftsmanship. Your husband is renowned for his inventions," he admitted, marvelling at the thought of how much these people cared for him and his child.

"True," Jaycob agreed, grinning so happily that it became infectious. Even Risteph smiled at his innocently prideful boasting. "Well, it is quite ingenious, because the door does not even have to open but an inch before it will ring a bell within your apartment or office. Wherever you prefer it to be situated."

"The apartment will be a good place, I am sure," Elex realised, thinking on how useful it would have been two days ago. Still, it was hard to prepare for something that no one had thought possible; the crime rate within Prosper's kingdom was so low that it was almost non-existent.

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