Siliconoid Memo

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An official memo sent by the leaders of Kondoria to those within the planet and to the other planets.

Date: 3 eons, 14,160 eras, 8 elapses, and 31,345 time units

To all whom it may concern: the authorities of Kondoria are now banning travel from and to the planet. Nobody may enter or exit. The ban on entering is effective immediately. The ban on leaving will take effect in 1000 time units, which should be sufficient time for those not wishing to remain to prepare to exit.

The reason for this is to prevent the spread of the Biomass while also preserving the integrity of Kondoria. It has been proven that no amount of restrictions on arrivals and departures in space ports can fully stop the spread of the pathogen. We have elected, therefore, to eliminate travel altogether.

In the meantime, we will attempt to use the impressive computational power of our planet to come up with solutions to the Biomass. While it will be difficult to study the pathogen without actually having a sample, we will attempt to model the molecular structure of the cells and develop algorithms to describe the behavior seen so far on other planets. Once we have computed an accurate model of the cellular functioning of the Biomass, we will attempt to model the occurrences at the organism level. Then we will be able to test molecular opponents against the pathogen computationally.

Eventually, through our mathematical prowess, we should be able to devise a counter to this galactic enemy. At that point, we will advise our allies. But even before that, we must begin a transformation of our planet that will optimize our ability to tackle this problem specifically.

It will take some time, but we believe that Kondoria can be the secret weapon against the Biomass. We envision the Siliconoids as the lest reservoir of normal life, a final stronghold against an impossible wave of death. Then, when it is prepared, we will wield the bane of the Biomass.

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