Anger of a Pathron

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Any angry letter written by a Pathron and distributed electronically across the galaxy.

Date: 3 eons, 14,160 eras, 9 elapses, and 10,318 time units

The incompetent Lin!arvice had literally every uninhabited planet in the galaxy to choose from and they chose to join us here. Were their engineers too lazy to come up with a solution for terraforming a planet? Did they want to intentionally spite us? And then they have the nerve to question what makes sentient species different from intelligent species.

It was bad enough that they chose to come to BM1-8-3. It was worse that they questioned our authority. Harsher yet that they threatened violence if we tried to stop them. But now, it seems they delivered the Biomass to the planet we came to in order to escape the Biomass.

They never took care to thoroughly sanitize their ships, inside or out, before entering the atmosphere. And now they have an infection to deal with on their half of the planet. That wouldn't have been too great a problem on a planet without life for the Biomass to infect and without an atmosphere, but we have been actively seeding life and building at atmosphere.

Of course, we have immediately stopped all terraforming activities. We were hoping to have a new, clean planet all to ourselves so that one day we might actually rise to our former prominence. No, instead we will kill some of the life we seeded around our bubble of breathable air and hide until the Lin!arvice have all died.

We would leave, except that we already expended so many of our resources in arriving her and beginning terraforming. We can only hope that in the hostile environment of this planet, the Biomass will never spread past the Lin!arvice settlement. Maybe one day we will actually be able to claim this planet, but it will be a long, long time from now. We can't just slaughter all of the Lin!arvice with a SPIRE, so probably we'll wait until the Biomass kills them all and then destroy their settlement.

But perhaps the Biomass will spread despite the low concentration of atmospheric oxygen and the relative scarcity of life forms to infect. Then we will be trapped in our bubble that was initially intended to keep oxygen in. If that happens, we are probably doomed.

The Lin!arvice have always been a rash species. They have requested admission to the GCS on multiple occasions, but so few of them are able to resist their impulses. Perhaps they were able to invent phase travel and explore some local stars, but they cannot solve their societal issues at home. This behavior got them into some minor skirmishes with other non-sentient species, but it has never been a serious problem until now.

Their home planet has a Biomass infection. I fear that with the weakened status of the GCS, they may try to wage war against some of the local uninfected solar systems. They are a dangerous breed and although they are dying, they might take down more than just the Pathrons in their fall.

I think we would do well to enforce Khyarokk's policy on their planet.

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