Chapter 16

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Matt's POV

“Take two doses of these a day, for the next couple of days. You have my contact if things worsen, Matthew. Take care.”

The doctor handed me a small paper bag with individual packets of medication.

Doe was outside in the waiting room, giving Isaiah an early morning call.

The time was 7AM when he arrived and dropped us off at the orphanage.

On arrival at our room, Doe replaced her belongings then took a shower, preparing to go for her shift.

“Are you crazy?” I asked her before she could step out the door, “Stay here.”

“No, Matthew,” she protested, “You're the one who's sick. Not me.”

Then she left, without saying another word.

I threw the covers over myself to sleep.


I woke up at noon, first with a text from Doe. Word of my food poisoning had spread quickly among the volunteers, and minutes after, I received a flood of good wishes.

I got stuck on the toilet twice, and then threw up even before taking my medication. I struggled to get dressed, and to be honest I felt like crap.

Still, I staggered across the road to the orphanage.

I offered to do many odd jobs throughout the course of the day, but was denied all. I was pretty useless in my condition.

“You shouldn't be here.”

Carla said to my face, as the rest of the committee filed in.

“I'm okay,” I argued, “Brief me -”

“Get out.”

When I wouldn't budge, Carla continued as if everyone were in top shape. Isaiah and all seemed to be nodding off to sleep once the subject didn't concern him.

Carla revealed that she had gotten into contact with someone who was willing to buy the orphanage for one million dollars. I scrunched up my nose at the figure.

“Make it two million -”

“No, that'll never work,” Isaiah interrupted in a pessimistic tone.

“- And a half.”

Listening to my fellow members, I learnt that the persons at the community centre were more than ready to hand over the building.

“I spoke to one of the ladies, and she said we could go check it out first,” a young woman whom I'd seen several times before spoke up, “To ensure it's what we want.”

I immediately went on to jot down key notes that could be helpful in the decision.

I still felt a little sleepy and overwhelmed. Unfortunately, it was obvious.

“Really, Matthew. Take a day off,” Carla insisted, almost dismissing me.

“I'm fine.

I fought to steer my way through all the new information and short-term goals. They needed someone to go check out the centre and Isaiah and I seemed to be the only two people who weren't already assigned tasks.

“I'll go. Just tell me what you need me to find out,” I kept back a yawn.

“You made the list, Matthew.” Isaiah reminded me dryly.

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