Chapter 28

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"Though your beginning was insignificant, Yet your end will increase greatly.”  Job 8:7

Doe's POV

Those three months since the dinner spilled into four, and we were now in August.

I was in the middle of packing away the last few of my belongings into little boxes when I came across something all too familiar.

It was Matthew's stuffed elephant from when he was a child.

“Aw. I guess I'll have to return you...” I whispered, as though it could answer.

That day, I was visiting the orphanage with Matt and then going to the OCF's final volunteer meeting for the year.

Matthew was especially excited to see Jackley settle in, and I was going to say goodbye to Ava.

I stored my kitchenette items, then loaded the heavy box into the trunk of my mother's car.

I knew that Mama was happy to have me moving to 'La Coeur' with her, but I was nervous to tell anyone else.

Why, again, did I decide to do this?

“I drove all the way back here just to come get you,” Mama said as she observed my uncertain look, “...And I'd do it again if you're still not sure.”

I sighed, slamming the trunk closed, “No...just give me till the end of the day. I still haven't told anyone.”

She nodded, then disappeared back into the living room.

An hour later, Matthew arrived and I hopped into his car.

“... How's it been?” Matt tapped the steering wheel, beating around the bushes.

He was dying to know what I needed to say, but didn't let it show too much. Except, he'd asked me nearly everyday before then.

“Good...” I stretched, “Stop asking.”

He groaned, then made a final turn into the new building.

On arrival at the parking lot, I spotted a tall, slim brunette outside, talking to Carla. I guessed that she was one of the new staff.

“Let's make this quick,” Matt sighed, then stopped when he noticed his toy elephant I'd been holding the entire drive, “Doe -”

“Alright... let's go,” I smiled at him, then stuffed the plush into my purse.

Right before entering the building, I paused in front of Carla.

“Who's the stranger?” I motioned to the younger woman.

“Roseline...” Carla laughed.

I saw Matthew go up to the girl, give her a side-hug and kiss her cheek. That was when their resemblance fell upon me.

“Doe...this is my sister, Meghan.” Matt grabbed my hand and pulled me toward her, as she smiled.

Meghan was drop-dead gorgeous, and I glanced between her and Matt, still in a state of shock.

“Nice to meet you,” I shook her hand, “Sorry, I...I didn't know you'd be here.”

“No, that's fine,” she laughed, “Good to see you too.”


“Meghan's going to be our event's coordinator,” Matthew said proudly, “Since the middle of town is perfect for making money.”

Also, she would help plan outings for the orphans and staff. I was happy for Meghan, even if I didn't really know her yet. I definitely knew what she had come from.

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