❃Chapter Three❃

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Asake hadn't felt like this in such a long time. Hope flooded through her chest as she ran toward Iroh's room. She hadn't realized how much she truly wanted to go home. Yes, she loved her life on this ship and she loved most everyone here, too, but she wanted to see her father again and see her old friends again. They probably wouldn't welcome her in, but she didn't think about that right now. 

A smile played on her face once she made it to Iroh's room. She couldn't believe Prince Zuko had found the Avatar! Her hands pushed the metal door open, and it clanged against the wall because of her excited force. Iroh jumped up from the small table that was against the wall, his eyes wide. A few small candles sat on the dark table, and the small fires flicked in the breeze created by Asake.

"I'm sorry," Asake said quickly, "but Zuko has found the Avatar."

Iroh took a deep breath and nodded. His eyes looked surprised, but he didn't say anything. He was right on her heels as she raced through the ship toward the main deck. It didn't take that long to get to the top deck, and when they did, Prince Zuko whirled around, his ponytail flapping in the frigid breeze.

"Uncle, I found the Avatar!" Zuko said. His voice carried across the wind easily, tickling her ears.

"Are you sure?" Iroh asked.  All traces of joking were gone now. Asake knew this was a serious matter - it meant they could actually go home if they caught the Avatar. 

"Very." Zuko had a determined look on his face. He looked so confident in himself. Asake wished she could have his confidence; she was rarely ever confident in herself. It was more of her faking everything until someone believed her.

"Okay. How long do you think it will take us to get to the Southern Water Tribe?"

"A couple hours max," Zuko said, and Asake nodded. His calculations were correct. "We have time to get ready. The Avatar has to be a hundred years old and is more experienced. We need to be ready."

"That means I can sleep again!" Iroh said, laughing. Asake couldn't help but smile; Iroh's full belly laugh always seemed to make her so much happier. "I'll see you two later."

Iroh walked off, leaving the Prince and Asake alone on the deck. Asake glanced at Prince Zuko and saw that his eyebrows were knitted together, almost like he was thinking about something dark. He must've also been thinking about going back home; it seemed like that was always on his mind. Everything he did was to get back home, to prove himself to his father. 

"Hey, I have a question," Asake said before Zuko could stalk off. 


"Do you know anything about the cook? All I know is her name and it is Zi."

"Why do you want to know things about her?" Zuko asked, frowning. He crossed his arms over his chest as he stared down at her. Her heart suddenly hammered against her rib cage with his intense gaze directed to her.

"I was making my rounds a couple hours ago, checking up on all of the crew members when she stopped me and started giving me advice I didn't ask for," Asake said, swallowing hard. 

"What did she say?"

"She told me to follow my heart no matter," Asake said, shrugging. Zuko did not look impressed with what she said. He looked bored. "Zi also said that she didn't listen to her heart and she regrets it."

"Most of the crew members on this ship are criminals or didn't have a very good life back home," Zuko explained shortly. "I don't really know much about Zi. Only that she came from a part of the Fire Nation that isn't good."

"What do you mean?" Asake asked, and Zuko shrugged. 

"Where she came from has the highest crime rate in the Fire Nation." 

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