❃Chapter Ten❃

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Asake rested her head against Zuko's back and closed her eyes tightly. She couldn't bear to look at all the scared kids running into the buildings ahead of them. The rhythmic beating of Zuko's heart echoed in her ears, slightly calming her own racing one down. She needed to pull herself together. She was the one who wanted to come to Kyoshi Island, and here she was being a coward. 

She allowed herself a couple more seconds of hiding before she pulled away from Zuko's back. The light was bright as her eyes started adjusting again, and she had to squint. "What were you doing?" he asked, not even looking back at the girl. His eyes remained forward, watching the town in front of them.

"Nothing," she said quickly. "I was just . . . doing nothing."

Zuko didn't question her, but she heard a small sigh escape his lips. She definitely was not going to tell him that she wanted to leave and go back to the ship. That would just prove him right, and she did not want to do that. She was still a little angry at him from almost keeping it a secret from her because this would affect her, too. Even though she hated seeing the terrified looks on these people's faces, she still wanted to know whether or not they were going to get the Avatar so that they could finally go home.

Soon, they entered the city. Once people saw them, they bolted away, and each one made Asake's heart drop further in chest. "Come out, Avatar! You can't hide from me forever!" Zuko shouted, scaring her. She almost let go of him, but she wasn't going to do that just in case she fell off the rhino. Quietly, he said, "Find him."

Asake watched as Zuko's men split up, going to the right and left of them as they continued forward. The town was eerily silent since everyone in their right mind was hiding away in their houses. Asake couldn't blame them; if she lived in this town, she would be hiding, too. But that wasn't the way her father raised her. He raised her to be able to take care of herself in times of trouble, no matter what.

She couldn't dwell on the thought because she noticed a redhaired girl running their way. This girl was dressed in green and yellow robes, and they billowed out behind her. A gold fan was in her small hand, and her face was painted white. However, her blue eyes shone through the makeup, and Asake could tell she was angry. 

The girl was getting close to them, but, before she could do any damage, Zuko spun the war rhino around. She held on tight to him so she wouldn't fall off the rhino. He seemed to know what he was doing, though. Asake watched as the tail hit the girl, and she went flying through the air. 

"I guess training's over," a male's voice said near them. 

Asake didn't bother looking at who was near them; she slid off the rhino and quietly walked over to the girl, who had collapsed onto the ground. She placed a hand on her shoulder, and the girl suddenly moved. The redhead, whose hair was more muted up close, grabbed onto Asake's arm and pulled her down to the ground. Asake hit the ground with a groan. The girl put a foot on Asake's chest and aimed a fan right at her face. 

"Who are you, and why are you attacking my home?" the girl hissed. 

"I'm Asake, and we're looking for the Avatar," Asake said quickly. A light flickered in the girl's eyes. 

"Ah. I should've known you'd be with Prince Zuko and his band of tyrants." The girl frowned, digging her foot into Asake's chest. She winced in pain. Her breath was stuck in her chest, and she couldn't breathe well. "The Avatar isn't here, so you and the Prince can leave."

"I saw the Water Tribe girl, though." It was getting harder to breath, so Asake said, "I don't want to hurt him. Really. Zuko doesn't want to hurt him, either. He just wants to go back home."

"First name basis, huh?" The girl sneered at Asake. "Well, tell this Zuko guy that I don't believe a word you say, and I won't let you get to the Avatar. I know what the Fire Nation will do to him."

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