~Chapter 2: The Apple Tree~

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They walked effortlessly in sync along the cobblestone path. Vanessa observed how light footed Alaric was in his step. It was a subtle precaution that managed to add to his elegance.

They soon came to the garden's gated entrance. Beyond it was like entering another world filled with the allure of spring. The 'walls' of the garden were blossomed tea olive. The heady scent of gardenia melded with the perfume of frangipani, tuberose, and peonies. Manicured wisteria vines and honeysuckle added to the symphony of botanicals. There wasn't a single plant that was merely ornamental, each was as equally fragrant as they were beautiful. The further they walked, the more enveloped they became by the lusciously sweet flora. It was like being inside the finest perfumery.

"My heavens, the garden is even more wonderful up close!" She exclaimed.

He smiled, giving a grateful chuckle, "Thank you. I should hope so."

A few moments of silence passed, though the peaceful scenery and gentle breeze made the absence of words unnoticeable.

"I feel a question brewing in your mind." Alaric spoke, finally breaking the silence.

She was very surprised by his perception.

"Actually, you're right." She sheepishly replied.

"If you're worried about offending, don't be." He smiled. "I already know the question."

A playfulness tinged her voice as she rhetorically asked. "Well, if you already know my question, then what's the fun in me asking?"

"So I can hear you say more words than is actually necessary for this conversation." He replied matter-of-factly. It slightly puzzled Vanessa until she spied a coy grin curve his lips.

"For an American, you have quite a lovely voice."



'For an American'.

It was the same backhanded compliment she had heard from other foreigners. Nonetheless, there was a sincerity in his tone that magically painted a blush on her cheeks.

A wicked look crossed her face as she prepared her onslaught. "Well, I suppose I shall put forth the inquiry to which you already know the subject—that is to say, you knowing the answer to the question I have yet to ask in the present but most certainly will in the future, thus making you quite foresighted in your perception of my future use of language to formulate an unnecessary amount of verbiage to articulate my mental pondering of the approximate amount of time you have been without your sight."

"I feel both impressed and highly victimized by the amount of run-on sentences you somehow managed utter." Alaric quipped while chortling. It forced Vanessa to lose her composure and bust out laughing.

"To answer your mental pondering—that is to say, your question: the majority of my life." He humorously replied. "Since I was eight, in fact. It's rather an elaborate ordeal how it happened but long story short, I drank something I shouldn't have and it cost me my vision... I really wasn't the wisest child growing up."

He spoke of the incident rather nonchalantly but she could tell from the sudden stiffness in his jaw that there was another side to the story she dare not pry.

They continued along the cobblestone path until it led them to a large courtyard. Within it were a set of benches surrounded by fruit trees of all kinds, pear, fig, plum, with blueberry and blackberry bushes sprinkled in between. A tall, majestic-looking apple tree stood in the center like a living monument.

Alaric stopped in front of it as if he could see the grandeur.

"According to the estate's history..." he began, "...before the mansion was built, this tree was the only thing standing on the land. No one really knows where it came from or who planted it but it's well over five hundred years old and still bearing fruit. The courtyard was eventually constructed around it and once I arrived, I had the rest of the exterior garden planted. It's visual beauty is of course for guests, but it's sensual beauty is of my own design."

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