~Chapter 3: Witches, Kings, and Brothers~

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Maurice sat on the veranda steps, his posture slumped forward with his elbows loosely propped on his knees.

A cigarette kissed his lips while he inhaled, then exhaled a large puff of smoke.

He watched as the two of them returned, Vanessa laughing most likely from a tall tale Alaric told.

He took note of how comfortable Alaric seemed with her, the genuine joy that invaded his demeanor.

It was a welcomed sight.

Maybe she'll last. Maurice hoped.

He really liked Vanessa. She was American like him, even from Louisiana. It was a familiar comfort he would appreciate having around. More than that, her down-to-earth, southern belle, character was refreshing. Every other person he had scouted seemed pretentious and likely to take advantage of the job's personal nature. He had seen Alaric disappointed before and was determined to never see it again.

Fortunately, Vanessa was different. Maurice had gotten to know her personally outside of their routine interviews and professional correspondence. She was always honest. Never giving a 'front'. She accepted the position honestly based on her desire to have her talent put to good use.

She was irrefutably talented... unusually so.

Of course, she never denied the pay being a motivating factor. It was certainly far more than any other recent college grad could hope to make. Nonetheless, she didn't seem like the type to get carried away by the glitz and glamour the lifestyle would hold.

But, if Maurice was honest with himself, he was more excited about there finally being a woman around. Especially one as sweet and beautiful as Vanessa.

If only Alaric could see what I see...
He pitied.
Then again...
Maurice chuckled to himself.
He'd right fall in love with her, if he did.

"Are those Maurice's cancer cells I smell growing?" Alaric called out as they approached the steps.

"You know you force me to do this, Aly! I've gotta smoke. It's not like I can be the resident, cynical alcoholic. You done claimed that horse." Maurice quipped in reply.

Vanessa unsuccessfully stifled back a snicker. Alaric clicked his tongue in irritation.

"Please remind me to send you on a very far-away task from which you mysteriously never return." He sardonically remarked.

"Eh, I'm here for a good time, not a long time." Maurice shrugged, smiling at Vanessa while taking another puff of smoke.

There was a ruggedness about him that didn't fit into the elegant picture he resided. He was the complete opposite of Alaric. Tanned skin, ruddy brunette curls, and warm golden eyes that would make your grandma blush. He had a slight N'orleans draw that formed 'ma'am' and 'sir' with ease. Yet, he had a complete disregard for formality. 'Very American of him', as Alaric would put it.

He reminded Vanessa of the guys she grew up around, thus, making him less attractive than he clearly was.

"Well, Miss Belmont..." Maurice stood up, putting out his cigarette. "If Alaric permits it, how's about that tour?"

"No, Maurice. Of course I don't permit it. I want her wandering aimlessly, lost as a bat. Doing such helps to build character." Alaric mocked with a straight face.

"Excuse me?" Vanessa cocked her head at his sarcasm.

"I jest, love." He replied, untwining their arms. "I enjoyed our time." He said smiling, gently squeezing her hand.

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