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Roy's POV

Then an arrow drove right through Lawrence's hand, making him drop the dagger.

In a split second, Roy had dislocated his thumbs, slipped through the zip tie, and put his thumbs back in place. Oliver had knocked the other man out when Lawrence wasn't looking at them. He was able to grab Roy's bow and an arrow from the man he knocked out fast enough to shoot Lawrence's hand. Roy reacted fast enough to run to Lawrence and pull him away from Liberty. Lawrence twisted around in Roy's arms to free himself. But before he could get closer to Liberty, Oliver stepped between him and Liberty.

Roy and Oliver fought Lawrence while Dig worked on freeing Liberty. That could take a while with the shock collar. Lawrence might be able to use that to kill Liberty still. That has to be taken off as soon as possible. Oliver seemed to understand this too. They both pushed Lawrence away with their fighting, giving Dig and Liberty more space. Soon, more men came to aid Lawrence. They ended up on a six to two basis. Roy had gotten his bow, quiver, and one of his daggers back, and Oliver had hidden his bow and quiver before so that he could carry them around with him under Lawrence's nose. The two of them fought to give Dig and Liberty time.


Liberty's POV

"Thank you," Liberty mouthed to Dig as he cut the ropes of her wrists. She rubbed them, trying to give them some feeling as Dig knelt down next to her in the chair and examined the shock collar.

"We can't move you until this is off of you. It could be location triggered. If you move too far, it could shock you, maybe even kill you. And Lawrence might have a remote to kill you too," Dig said as he looked at it. "Overwatch is going to try to guide me through it. Just stay still, alright?"

Liberty nodded and looked forward, anxiously watching Roy fight Lawrence.


Felicity's POV

"Okay, I've got some schematics of it. I think. Let's hope this works," Felicity said into the comms, looking at her monitor to see the shock collar locked around Liberty's neck. "Do you see that panel? Take it off." Dig did just that. "Uh, the red wire, that needs to be disconnected."

Felicity continued giving Dig instructions. He'd give affirmative responses as he followed those instructions. Liberty kept looking forward, looking anxious. The collar was complex. Which made sense, Lawrence majored in electrical engineering and minored in chemistry. All of the explosives were probably designed by him, as well as the stupid shock collar.


Roy's POV

"I should've done something different. I was helpless when you killed Lillian, but you have a fighting chance to save your girlfriend!" Lawrence shouted.

"She's not my girlfriend," Roy said tiredly. "So are you going to wait until I was in a relationship to make it hurt more?" Lawrence growled at him. "Do you see what you're doing? How crazy this is?"

"Shut up!"

"No matter what, the death of your wife and my loved one will always be different. Because I killed your wife while under the influence of a drug that completely controlled me, and you have chosen to become a murderer."

Lawrence shouted as he pounced onto Roy. Roy shoved him off and hurriedly shot one of Lawrence's henchmen before returning his attention to Lawrence. There were only two henchmen left, and Oliver could handle them easily. Liberty still sat on the awful chair, Dig kneeling down next to her to get the shock collar off.

Lawrence barely dodged a kick to his gut. Then Roy barely dodged a stab to the face. Lawrence still had one of Roy's daggers. Roy quickly kicked Lawrence behind his knees and then punched him in the face. But that motion made pain flare up in his shoulder, making Roy stagger backwards. Lawrence recovered and ran to stab Roy. Just barely in time, Roy was able to shoot a taser arrow at Lawrence. Lawrence yelled in pain for a second before passing out.

Roy grabbed his dagger and then rubbed his shoulder as he ran to Liberty and Dig. "How close are we?"

"Almost there," Dig said. He slowly pulled a wire out and Liberty held her eyes shut. The warning light on the shock collar shut off. "There, it's off."

"Thank you," Liberty said quietly.

"Don't mention it," Roy said as he used his dagger to cut the collar off of Liberty. He held his hand out for Liberty to stand. She took it and Roy helped her up. Once she stands, her knees buckle. Roy catches her and helps her stay steady. "Let's get you to a doctor." Roy helped her walk a few steps before Liberty passed out.


Liberty's POV

"What is that stupid beeping noise?" Liberty asked herself once she woke up, not having opened her eyes yet.

"You mean the heart rate monitor?" someone answered. It took Liberty a second to register who was speaking to her. Roy.

All of the memories of what had happened flooded back. Liberty opened her eyes and found herself in a hospital bed. An IV and a heart rate monitor were hooked up to her. Liberty could feel bandages all over her body from where Lawrence used his knife. Roy sat in a chair next to the bed. They were alone in the room. The door had a window on the top half. Through it Liberty could see Oliver, Dig, and Felicity talking to someone, a doctor it looked like.

"What happened with Revenge?" Liberty asked tiredly.

"A.R.G.U.S. picked him up and is shipping him somewhere. Lian Yu by the sounds of it," Roy answered. "How are you feeling?"

"Like crap. What did the doctor say?"

"You'll be fine. They'll release you in a couple days. They just want you to be careful for the next couple months."

Liberty nodded. Her mind turned back to her parents. She had done that several times while she was tortured. Normally she didn't think about her parents. Her father was a jerk, her mother never stood up for Liberty. As a teenager and college student she worked and worked to have enough savings to become financially independent as fast as possible. Once was independent, she didn't have to be with her parents if she didn't want to. But when she was so close to death, she just wished she had seen them one more time. She couldn't help but love them. They weren't great parents, Liberty knew that. She wished she had become independent faster than she did. She was fully aware of her father being potentially abusive (she never knew where to draw the line when it came to her parents). She knew her mother wasn't much better if she let her father do that to her. But something inside of her wanted to see them again.

"I want to go back to my world," Liberty said quietly.

"What?" Roy asked, sounding shocked.

"I have loved being here with you guys, and if I can ever return here I will. But I want to see my parents at least once more. Then I'll stay here," Liberty explained.

Roy nodded. "That makes sense. Though I don't know how we're going to get you back home."

"We can figure that out later."

Cosplayer to Vigilante /Arrow FanFic/ /Open Novella Round 2/Where stories live. Discover now