Chapter 2

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And keep the (obligatory) prayer established, and pay the charity, and bow your heads with those who bow (in prayer). [2:43]

Early Sunday morning she was driving to office while having her cold coffee listening to nasheed.

After 20 mins she reached
'ELNE Marketing solution' she own this company at age of 25 making her dadu and family proud of her.

She entered office and was greeted by silence being before time is habit which she learned hard way. This motivates her employees to be punctual.

She moved conference hall noticing other figure none other than her assistant Mrs.martha senior employee of her company who sometimes treats her like a kid always reminding her about lunch.

"Good morning Martha. Always on time aren't you."
She said with appreciation

"Good day Miss.Zeba. Just following my boss footsteps."said martha in light tone

"Oh yeah I'm impressed you will definitely get promoted" she says giving her a wink.

"Sorry but I'm satisfied with my job and have the best boss." martha said with genuine smile

"You made my day with your words young lady let just finish this meeting fast."She said teasing her while grinning making martha chuckle.

Everyone entered in conference room greeting their boss and start meeting which ends after 4hrs. She looks at her employees having tired expressions.

After meeting she offers them reservations at resort saying they can enjoy sunday with family and warns them to complete project in a week.

She as enough money to spend on employee as good boss its give her satisfaction but when it matter of company welfare they have to face her stern side which is no good.

In her office she signs remaining file when she heard knock. Without looking at person she knows who intruder is her business partner and her best friend husband Shan alam.

He was senior to her in university when she studied IT and felt in love with her bestie and married her then zeba left for her MBA. She become partner in company after her return to help him. As she already owns company in NEWYORK.

"Assalamualaikum madam your so busy that you can't even reply."Said Shan

"Walikumassalam why are you even asking you always enter without my permission." She says still focusing on files.

"Yeah after all Its my own company so how did meeting go. I also heard you gave resort tickets in meeting how can you spend so much on them." He said little frustrated with her generosity he just don't wanna them to take company for granted.

"Meeting went well plus your not facing any loss from tickets because they were extra when I got for bhai marriage functions." She said smiling.

"Oh I see you are so smart saved money and also got best boss impression." He says with teasing smile.

"I'm already good boss always on time. Aren't you early today or you forgot meeting was at 7 am not 11 am." She ask with smirk expression.

"How to you expect me to come at 7 on Sunday morning leaving my wife. Atleast spare me on weekends to have time with my hira."He says with puppy dog expression on face.

"Well its was important now don't say clinche line that hira is more important to me. I have called in morning hira said me it was you who was sleeping like dead so don't blame her." She says with utter disagreement with roll of eyes.

"I love my sleep and hira was with me enjoying her time. So don't mind her words and two bosses in morning will make employees scared." He said with glint of happiness thinking of hira.

"Why don't you get married so that you can spare me and hira. By the way isn't your brother wedding coming too fast." He asked with a frown getting interested to know about his story. He just like love stories that to real ones as they rarely happens in indian families.

"Bhai marriage is not occurring fast it was already planned. Its already 2 yrs when they got engaged. He is now well settled to get married." She said explaining the situation.

"Everyone in your family get engaged when going to abroad for studies then why didn't you got engaged. Your dadu is always serious about commitment then how come."He asks with concern.

"My case is different I'm already committed to my work. If i was engaged their was high chances that it would have broken. She says with grim expression. She doesn't show anyone about her past and how she don't get good feeling about relationships.

"Maybe one day you will get your Mr.perfect that can look at your perfect soul." He said to light her mood. She smiled at him to show she was fine.

"He will love,care for me and His world revolves around me. My Prince Charming will be handsome loving blah blah" she blabbers with annoying expression but only her heart whispers 'Ameen'. He looks at her and roll his eyes on how she answers.

"Here are some files you need to sign for it I have called you this morning." She said seriously placing files before him to which he nods and continue to work

Then they discuss remaining details. She finishes her work and leaves by saying goodbye and invites him for dinner party to which he happily agrees.

She collected the bride gown and jewellery on her way to home. She thought about how shan talk about her marriage and imagined being someone's partner. Then she shrugged her thoughts and called hira to invite for dinner as her brother's in-laws are coming with her babhi. She hoped for dinner to go well. She silently prayed that one day she will also have some to share her thoughts.
Hadith of day

Allah's Messenger [PBUH] said: Islam is based on (the following) five (principles):
To testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and Muhammad is Allah's Apostle.To offer the (compulsory congregational) prayers
dutifully and perfectly.
To pay Zakat (i.e. obligatory charity).
To perform Hajj (i.e. Pilgrimage to Mecca).To observe fast during the month of Ramadan.
Sahih Al-Bukhari

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