Chapter 22

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ALLAH(swt) says
O son of Adam, so long as you call upon Me and ask of Me, I shall
forgive you for what you have done, and I shall not mind.  O son of Adam, were your sins to reach the clouds of the sky and were you then to ask forgiveness of Me, I would forgive you.  O son of Adam, were you to come to Me with sins nearly as great as the earth and were you then to face Me, ascribing no partner to Me, I would bring you forgiveness nearly as great at it.[Al-Qudsi]

when they where alone in their respective suite she was thinking about him while he was doing same. They have smile on faces unknown about reason.

He just got freshen while she shrugged her thoughts they didn't meet for lunch as he was having work. Zeba just slept to compensate last night. She woke up at dawn and went to freshen up. When she walked out of closet she was suprised to see Idris sitting on couch working on laptop she composed herself even though she never mind others words but she was nervous as she have walked out without any dupatta. She sigh in relief when  he didn't notice her presence.

He was working in his suite but wanna talk to zeba. so he came to her room seeing her absent he continued working but sudden smell of sweet fragrance made him look only to see her without hijab it was first he was looking at her like this in cream dress she looks cute with light pink cheeks. He had sudden urge to hug her but he gulped when he heard her clearing her throat indicating she is aware of his gaze which is on her

"How come your here Mr.alam I thought you were busy enough having no time
for lunch" she said while combing her hair. He was looking at her long hairs with chocolate brown colour and her voice made him snap out of thoughts

"I didn't knew Mrs.alam that you will sleep without lunch because of me" he said getting up from his place

"Don't give yourself so much important and I will prefer you calling me smarty rather then surname" she said and he smirked on her liking for nickname

"You can compliment me I won't mind and stop looking at me like that for a moment I thought something on my face because of the way your looking" she said with hand on waist with frown. He never wanted her to stop talking and he felt slightly flushed on how she noticed his continuous gaze. He can't stop his hands from wrapping around.

He hugged her but she stood still when he moved back and rubbed his neck looking at her. All this time she felt protective in the hug but decided to tease him little. She raised her eyebrow seeing his nervousness

"What was that is it a way to hug someone without thinking about their reaction" she said in sharp tone with mischief in mind

"I just didn't know how to compliment you because its common to say gorgeous and beautiful but I thought showing affection is much better then it" he said not understanding what is the big deal it and yeah he don't regret hugging her it was so peaceful even it lasted for a minute he really liked it

"Do you show such affection to other ladies too" she asked with hidden mischief

"No not at all its just you" he said in urgency not wanting her to make any wrong opinion for him. She can't hold herself and laughed at his mortified expression. He frown at then realised she was kidding all time

"How can you do that you always trick with your act. That's not fair" he said whining but she is controlling her breathing

"I'm sorry but you get easily scared scary cat" she said teasing him. He just clutch her arm and pull her near him some of her hairs touch his chin he inhaled and kept her close to him

"Now your getting punishment first for your act then for this crazy nickname you keep repeating" he said and she just shrugged and moved why can't she stay near him but now he will make her stay near him. He got call so went to attend meeting. When he returned he saw her sleeping clutching the comforter so he removed his suit and slept beside her.

He can smell her and feel warmth beside her. Her face was facing him while he us urge to hold her but slept holding her hand.

The busy schedule of him continue with same sleeping arrangements and she also didn't said anything about it. She was walking from lounge of hotel when she heard some talk of staff about their boss involvement with lady. She understood that it was about them. She wanted to scold them what relation can she tell about even if doesn't effect her but it will effect his reputation. She asked for suite keys. She locked the room and also messaged Idris to give her space and she will talk later about it.

He don't know what suddenly happened that she banned him from suite. Work was tiring now her behaviour is also effecting him. He was unable to sleep so he gulped some tablets. He can hear phone ringing but he didn't wanna received  it can't be about project because its in afternoon. He picked phone to only hear her voice across.

"What are we doing here" he asked looking around.

"We are having breakfast" she said like its obvious

"I get it but why here we could have ate at hotel" he said she just sigh

"I think we should avoid each other in hotel premises" she said

"Why would we do that. You came for it will be wrong to avoid you" he said

"See I know but you have to understand this you have reputation to maintain so its not correct for us to be like this publicly special at place where you are the boss" she said and saw him clenching his fist

"Did anyone said something to you if they had misbehave tell me. I will teach them lesson" he said looking her eyes and she shaked her head negatively

"No one said anything. Idris you have important project its your dream so focus on it and remember its reason we are here. I don't want to disturb you if you want I will leave today" she said while he didn't like her idea at all and said straight no to her. They finally decided to give space to each other but still agree for occasional meal & outing away from hotel

She noticed him suddenly after he gaze mobile like he is not liking something

"What happened why you looked tense" she asked and he forwarded his phone to her with head low

"Its okay you can some other design and other proposal" she said as she looked at mail of company rejecting to work with him. Its same investor he planned to have for his project and was working on it"

"I don't know I have send them best design but they didn't like it" he said sadly

"Maybe they don't wanna best from you" she said but continue later

"I mean they don't wanna best for their but the best from your style. Okay listen if they wanted their style they would have given to famous designers present their but they didn't it means they wanted your style so just use it as highlight with some their style" she said it made him realise his desicion which he smiled and continue eating

Only if she knows her idea can change their life

Hadith of the day :
If My servant likes to meet Me, I like to meet him; and if he dislikes to meet Me, I dislike to meet him.  Prophetic explanation of this Sacred Hadith: He who likes to meet Allah, Allah likes to meet him; and he who dislikes to meet Allah, Allah dislikes to meet him.  Aishah (may Allah be pleased with her) said: O Prophet of Allah, is it because of the dislike of death, for all of us dislike death? The Prophet (pbuh) said: It is not so, but rather it is that when the believer is given news of Allah's mercy, His approval and His Paradise, he likes to meet Allah and Allah likes to meet him; but when the unbeliever is given  news of Allah's punishment and His displeasure, he dislikes to meet Allah and Allah dislikes to meet him. [Al-Qudsi]

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