Meet Kizami

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After the charm as done,everyone managed to meet each other.They were all trying to think of a way out of Heavenly Host.Yuka (my favourite) though of an idea.Yuka said "what if we break a door open,wait,that is impossible",Satoshi said in a high pitched voice "that a brilliant idea,but wait,the charm is already ripped and we can't make another until we're home.Yuka spotted a shadow,"look,theres a shadow" shrieked Yuka,"onii chan"."I-I don't see any shadow" said Satoshi scardily."I'll check what it is on my own" insisted Yoshiki."O-okay" said Satoshi scardily.Yoshiki checked,when he came back,he was with a boy."This is Kizami" introduced Yoshiki.Kizami is 17 and he has dark brown short hair.

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