This Is Naho

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"It's Naomi" said Seiko excitedly,"Naomi OVER HERE"."Where we're you"? asked Satoshi."I don't know" "answered Naomi,"I just woke up in the girls bathroom and then I tried to find you"."Why were you in the girls bathroom" ? asked Ayumi."I don't know" replied Naomi."Why don't we all split up and try to figure a way out" announced Yoshiki."Ok" said everyone except Yoshiki of course.Eveyone split up in pairs except for Ms Yui.She states in her own.However,the pairs were Mayu and Moshrige,Ayumi and Yoshiki,Naomi and Seiko and Satoshi and Yuka.Ayumi and Yoshiki went upstairs and started to search for a way out of Heavenly Host Elementary.

Suddenly,Ayumi saw a young women with short turquoise Shamir and red glasses."Hi" said the girl,"I am",Ayumi interrupted by saying "you are Sachiko Naho-San"."Indeed I am" announced Naho."How did you know"? asked Yoshiki."I read her blog" replied Ayumi,your the one who wrote how to do the Ever After Charm,but why didn't it work" questioned Ayumi to Naho."One of your friends must have said it one more time" answered Naho."That does sound like my friends" whispered Ayumi.Just out of nowhere,an earthquake started and Naho disappeared!

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