Party fever

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Arriving back home I just chilled with some friends I had told~

'So how will school go?' Hyuna asked. 'Sitting up I pouted. 'I hope without trouble.' Laughing it off I everted my eyes from hers. 'I won't be attending gym class for the first month. Just tell people I had a liver failure, not the whole thing okay?' Nodding they smiled at me.

'And your partner, that Yoongi guy was it right?' Jennie asked me sipping on her Cola. 'Hm I don't think I will tell him... only if something happens again.' Nodding and looking concerned we went on to play some Mario games.

As the evening fell they left. I loved them but they were always busy~

About a week later Yoongis surprise party came around the corner. Baking a cake with my mom we talked and agreed I would leave if I didn't felt well or was getting too worn out.

'Hey Jimin I am on my way!'

Looking outside the car window I smiled.

'Hi, great we will wait outside for you.'

As we arrived I saw 6 boys stand in front of 1 tiny house.

Stepping out of the car I gave my mom a kiss as she looked worried 'See you tonight.' We smiled. 'I love you honey.' 'I love you too.'

Slamming the door shut with my foot, holding the box with the cake in my hands Jimin came running up to me.

'Let me help.' He smiled and picked over the box for me. 'O-oh okay thanks, don't drop it.' Giggling at my reaction he gestured me to follow him.

Walking up to the five different guys I recognized two faces.

Namjoon, and Taehyung.

Taehyung was an old friend of mine, he was Erick's friend that joined us sometimes. Would he still remember me tho?

The other one is Namjoon. I had seen him in the halls talking to Yoongi. I knew his name but never really met him, beside when we where younger in our notes class.

Walking over they smiled at me.

'Hey Y/N. Do you remember me? Grade-school.' Taehyung smiled his boxy smile and made me giggle. 'Yes I do. How have you been?' I asked. 'Good as always.' He looked down at me as I stopped in front of him. 'You?' His eyes sparkled. 'I'm also good.' Giving a fake smile they seemed to buy it. Then they started to introduce themselves.

'Hi I'm Jin. Nice to meet you, I see you came well prepared looking at the size of the cake box.' The brought shouldered guy spoke first. Smiling wide I answered. 'Y-yes! I thought the more the better. It's nice to meet you too.' We shared another smile.

'Hello, my name is Namjoon. I've seen you before.' He smiled at me, letting me ketch a glimpse of his dimples. 'Yeah you looked familiar to me too! We see each other in the hallway before Yoongi meets me. And we shared the same notes class when we were younger if I recall correctly.' Nodding and snapping his fingers we smiled. 'That's correct.'

'Hey, I am Jungkook. It's really nice to meet you. Yoongi made you sound really caring.' Slightly blushing I smiled. 'Ah it's really nice to meet you too, Jungkook! And that's sweet of him~'

'Heyo! I'm Hoseok. You are the first female friend of Yoongi's I've met so I'm honored.' As he smiled his eyes almost shot closed as he looked so happy.

'Hi, ah well there's a first for everything.' Giving him the same positive vide he gave me he showed an even bigger one.

'Let's go inside this is heavy.' Jimin spoke. Chuckling we all walked up to the house and entered as his parents had left it unlocked for us.

Setting everything down on the table we started decorating. Balloons, pictures, slings and some more snacks. It looked awesome! As Jimin and Hoseok hung the 'happy 19th birthday!' Banner on the wall above the cake we all smiled.

'He will like this.' Jin said making us all nod.

Hearing the front doorknob jiggle we looked at each other.

'Shit hide, he is home early!' Jungkook whisper yelled at us putting out the lights. Hiding with Jungkook and Namjoon. We duck behind the couch.

Hearing him walk in Hoseok yelled 'NOW!' All jumping up and surprising him he jumped himself.


Making him stare at us with big, spooked and shocked eyes they softened as he saw us when Taehyung put on the lights.

Smiling happily he looked around. 'Thanks guys!' As his cute laughter filled the room his shoulders bounced up and down making me smile bright as well.

Playing some music and talking the whole night we drank something as well. I declined the offer because I wasn't allowed to drink alcohol but I told them it was fine if they wanted to do so.

Yoongis parents also came home later that night and were really nice.

Around midnight my mom sent me a text she was coming to pick me up. 'Oh hey guys my mom texted me. She will be on her way over here.' Seeing them pout Yoongis smile disappear, making me feel bad. 'Sorry...' I looked down.

'We can always bring you home?' Jimin said offering a ride. 'I live close by so I don't think my father would mind!' smiling widely I gave my mom a call.

'Hey mom, did you leave already?' 'No honey I'm grabbing my keys now. Why?' 'Oh Jimin told me he could bring me home because he lives close by, his parents said it was okay, they don't mind giving me a ride.' Looking into the room to the guys they all looked my way.

'Honey are you feeling okay?' 'Yes fine actually, I don't want to leave yet so can I please stay and go home with Jimin?' Smiling when she said yes I gave them a thumbs up making them smile. 'Thanks, mom! See you tomorrow.'

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