20. Love ->break up

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Helloo.. My dear busy busy but lovely readers.. Back with our story..

Do you know.. It crossed 10k reads and 1 k votes..

About my last request.. Thanks to those who spent sometime to know regarding the issue.. Anyways nothing can be done now.. Bill was notified by honourable president and asked to make few changes in the bill.. Finalisation of Rules of  bill to be done in 6 months.. Lets hope for best..

So.. This part iam going to dedicate to

'All the lovers who love one another alot but broke due to circumstances.. '

Lets back to story..
(italic =past)

Rakesh pov.


Blood cancer!!!

"Is that all true?? what he said" i asked her hesitating.

She looked at me widening her eyes. Shook her head horizantally and ran from me.

I felt like my heart stopped beating looking at the crying and helpless figure running away from me.

I went to hostel and lie down on bed. I tried to sleep but sleep was far away from reach.

I havent slept through out night with constant words running in my head.

'you said you are having blood cancer right.'

'You deadly want to get married right? '

'I dont want a shortlived person'

I went to college early.. But i havent talked with my friends. Iam unable to listen to classes so i left the class and went to basket ball court to relieve my mind..

I tried several times to throw ball on to basket but not even once it went on to it.. I left the ball helplessly and sat on the steps beside the court.

What the hell is happening to me..? To this world..?

Cant it be cured??

Why she is having such deadly disease..?

Why didnt she say it? May be she doesnt want sympathy.

I rubbed my head to relieve the throbing headache..

What should i do now?? I dont want to leave her.. I want to support her.. I do love her.. Her condition wont change my love towards her.

"What if she thinks that my love is just a sympathy? " i doubted myself.

"Sympathy??" i was frozen and raised my head.

"For what?? " nams with worry on her face sat beside me.

"No.. Nothing" i said looking away from her.

"Rakesh.. I know.. Something is bothering you.. You are acting different.. Bunking class.. Unable to concentrate on your favourate sport.. Do you think i will believe your nothing as answer?" nams asked keeping a hand on my shoulder.

I stood to go away..

" Rakesh.. Its a promise on our friendship.. Do you think i will leave you like that.. Iam your bestie right? " i nodded.

" So.. Share your problem.. May be.. It might decrease your pain.. Even if you cant get solution" nams said with assurance.

I looked at her.. "its about vaishali right??" i nodded.

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