37. Affair!!??

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Helloo.. My dear busy busy but lovely readers..

Last night i published it by mistake..

So here is ur surprize..

I know tomorrow is tuesday.. There is no special occassion still update right??

No.. Today is special.. One of my long lost friend bday.. I just remember his name and his smiling cute face.. My childhood friend.. I didnt get that much great friend for me.. But i dont know where he is and how he is.. Still he has a special impression in my heart.. He is one of my best friend i can say..

Anyways... So here this chapter is dedicated to my long lost friend..

Lets go to our story..

Swetha pov.

I smiled looking in to the mirror.

May this happiness be with me forever.

My smile faded instantly..

Remembering that night..

'Call my name vaishali..'

I closed my eyes tightly to remove that memory..

Noo.. Noo i shouldnt think like that.. He wants a chance.. He wants a fresh start..

Yes. Fresh start.. Let us take time to heal the disturbance between us..

It should be your duty to fulfill his needs.. Tears formed.. Can he be able to understand if i explain my disturbing thoughts..?

I opened the tap and took water in palms and poured them on my face..

I took long breaths and went out side.

I lie down on bed. Felt so weak..

Rakesh came and checked for temperature and asked me to eat and take medicines.. I took them as he adviced.. He covered me with bedsheet and slept beside me coming closer to me.. He placed his hand surrounding me.. I shivered.. Its so new to me.. But comfortable.. He slept so easily.. Here iam struggling with my thoughts..

After some time turned to his side.. He is sleeping peacefully..

"iam still unable to believe that you want to give us a chance .. Do you really want to start afresh??" i whispered..

His head frowned in sleep..

Did he heard me?? No.. Right..

I placed my hand on his forehead.. And rubbed it lightly. ..

He didnt move but on lips a little smile occured.

I smiled looking at him.. Then sleep occupied me.

Next day..

As usual i felt healthy, So i got up to do my routine.

I started preparing breakfast his favourite puri. You might wonder how do i know his favourite breakfast.. Its just simple.. maaji said while chitchatting how he always used to ask for puri and pithaji used to hate puri.

So may be by preparing puri, he will be happy right. I thought.

Maaji came and said "why beti you woke up early.. I should have done na.. U might need some rest. Go.. Go and take rest i will do it"

"Nahi.. Maaji.. Please let me do it.. Its boring to stay on bed..  " i pleaded her.

"silly girl. Every one now a days wants to escape from household work.. I dont know why u are always so dedicated to doing it" maaji said.

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