Chapter 3

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     Elladan and Elrohir halted their horses, Ioreth stopping also.  The call had come from the trees alongside them; they had crossed the mountains a few hours ago and were at the borders of Imladris.  Elladan had grown increasingly pale, but waved off any worried comments from his brother or the elleth traveling with them.  He didn't tell them, but the poison was advancing far more rapidly than any other wound he had suffered before.  His shoulder was throbbing with each heartbeat, and he could feel icy tendrils slowly pumping their way to his heart.  But even worse, he could barely move his left arm now, and his head was spinning.  His vision was affected too; the forest around them was spinning and he could barely see his brother in front of him.

     Elladan did not want his twin to know how badly hurt he was, so he had suppressed their bond in order for Elrohir not to feel the same pain he was.  He knew that Elrohir had noticed, but didn't mention it - yet.

     At the call for a halt coming from the trees, Elladan glanced to the side and immediately wished he hadn't.  He felt nausea churning in his stomach at only that slight movement, and a slight ache started behind his eyes, the onset of a headache.  Unconsciousness pulled at him, and he struggled to stay upright on his horse.  It wouldn't bode well to let Ioreth or his brother know how badly the poison was affecting him.  He would spare them worry until they reached Imladris, where the twins' father would quickly heal him.  There was no need to worry them unless he had to.  Elladan's stallion shifted sideways slightly to aid his rider from falling.  Elladan rubbed the horse in thanks, then returned his attention to the Elven guard that had just stepped out of the woods.

     "Ai, mellon!"  Elrohir exclaimed upon seeing the elf.

     The border guard scanned their faces, then clasped his right hand over his heart and bowed swiftly.  "My lords!  And lady," he added upon seeing Ioreth.  "Forgive me, I knew not who it was."

     "No matter," Elrohir said.  He turned his gaze on his twin, who seemed to be staring off into the distance, and glanced back at the guard.  "We must hurry to the Healing Halls.  Elladan is wounded."

     The elf nodded, stepping back.  "Pass, my lords.  Go with haste!"

     "Le hannon," Elrohir thanked him and they continued.  Ioreth looked back over her shoulder at where the border guard had vanished into the trees again.  "Who was that?"

     "A border guard," said Elrohir.  "We are nearing Imladris, we should be there in less than an hour."  He was looking with growing concern at Elladan, but was managing to mask his worry from Ioreth.  "El?" he said in a whisper.  With an effort, his twin turned his eyes over to him.  Elrohir was shocked to see that the white around his black irises were blood red.  He could feel their bond pulsing in the back of his mind, but he knew that Elladan was hiding the pain he felt, trying to protect his younger brother.  "Elladan," he hissed.  "State the symptoms, we can discover the poison if we know them.  It will help Ada create the antidote."

     Elladan wasn't fooled.  He knew his brother wasn't lying; he wanted to find what the poison was, but he also wanted to get Elladan to tell him everything that was hurting.  Elladan decided to tone down the pain he was feeling so his brother wouldn't be needlessly worried.  "Slight headache, arm hurts.  A little bit of nausea."

     "Is that all?"

     "Just about," Elladan muttered.  He really hated lying to his brother.  Elrohir looked like he was going to say something, but sighed and shook his head.  They continued in silence for the next half hour.

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