Chapter 4

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Well, it was decided! I'm going to put this chapter in to tie up a few loose ends, and add some twin fun!

     Elladan woke to a faint pounding in his ears.  He let his eyes flicker open and stared at the ceiling above him, but not really seeing it.  He was assessing his injuries, something he did every time he woke from being injured.  The only things he felt was the aftereffects of a headache, and his shoulder twinged with pain, reminding him that he had been shot . . . yesterday?  The day before?  He realized that he didn't know what day it was, and let his head flop sideways to see Elrohir in a chair next to him.  His twin was sound asleep, his eyes glazed over, and his left arm was resting on Elladan's chest, as if to reassure him while unconscious.

     Elladan turned his head to the opposite side to find a basin of water on his right.  He carefully slid his brother's arm off his stomach, sitting up.  His arm complained, sending tendrils of heat towards his chest, and he stopped, then slid backwards and leaned against the head of the bed, and let out a sigh.  Glancing at the sleeping Elrohir again, an idea came over him, and he smirked, reaching with his right hand to pick up the bowl of water.  In a swift movement, he flung the contents of the basin at his twin brother, who woke up with a start, spluttering.

     "It was Elladan's fault!" Elrohir exclaimed, shooting upright and coming out of his memory dream of former pranks.  He blinked, realizing where he was, and felt water trickling off his face and dripping down his black hair.  Turning a scowl on the person who would dare wake him like that, he was startled to find Elladan sitting up in his bed with a grin on his face.  "El!"

     "How was your sleep, little brother?"  Elladan queried politely, still smirking.

     Elrohir just lunged forward and wrapped his arms around him.  "You're awake!"  Elladan winced, but returned the hug.  After a moment, Elrohir pulled back and studied his twin's face.  "How do you feel?"

     "Pretty good, actually."  Elladan was a little surprised.  He usually felt like an oliphaunt had trampled him after waking from a poison wound.  "How long was I out?"

     "Three days."  Elrohir looked like he wanted to say something else, but stopped.  Elladan scowled at him.  "Were you beside this bed the whole time?"

     "No!" protested Elrohir.  He grinned.  "I left once.  Ada made me go get some more herbs to shove down your throat.  You really are strong when you're unconscious and fevered, you know that?"

     "So are you."

     The twins sat in silence for a while longer, just staring at each other.  Elrohir finally broke the silence, leaping to his feet.  "I'm going to go tell them you're awake!"

     "I'm coming too."  Elladan kicked the bed covers aside and started to swing his legs over the side of the bed, but his brother stopped him.  "No, you're going to stay here until Ada says you can get up."  He pushed Elladan back on the bed.  "Back in a few minutes!"  And he dashed out the door, dark hair flying.

     Elladan snorted.  Did his brother really think he would stay here?  The sons of Elrond were notoriously known for being bad patients, and this was a good example.  He swung his legs over the bed again and stood to his feet.  For a moment, the room spun wildly around him, and he wavered, but then it evened out.  He held his left arm stiffly to his side, glancing around for something to hold it.  Spying a stack of bandages on the same table that held the now-empty basin, he selected a long piece and somewhat awkwardly tied it around his neck, supporting his wounded shoulder. 

     With a sigh of satisfaction, Elladan went over to the door and peered out for any sign of his brother, father, or any other healer that would hinder his progress.  Seeing no one, he edged along the hallway until he got to a side door.  Ducking out onto an outside walkway, he hurried, smirking, to his usual chambers.  Elladan never liked being cooped up in the Healing Halls while Elrohir got to gloat about his lack of injuries.  Well . . . that only happened once, and it was because Elladan had 'accidentally' fallen into a nearby pond and swallowed some water.  The twins' father had made him stay lying down for two days while waiting for an infection from the filthy water to show itself.  When it never did, he let Elladan out, but the whole time, Elrohir had been lording it over his twin brother, rubbing in the fact about his lack of balance.

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