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"What am I supposed to do when the best part of me was always you?" - Breakeven (Falling To Pieces) by The Script.



Darius' POV

       I was giving everyone my deadliest glare as I covered my mate away from their shocked gazes and peering eyes. Each of them flinched and looked away helplessly.

"Alpha," Doctor Thompson crouched down as she slowly approached me.

I snarled and pulled my unconscious mate closer into my arms and away from her.

No one was going to take my mate away from me.

"Alpha, you've got to let me treat the Luna." she tried again.

I growled when she mentioned my mate. I wasn't about to let anyone touch my mate, not even a woman.

"She's losing too much blood. She could die." Doctor Thompson coaxed softly.

I let out an enraged roar at the thought of my mate dead. She can't and won't die. The only one destined to put up with my mood and my hard-headness can't die. The one who completes my wretched soul can't die. The one who would bear my pups can't die.

She simply can't.

I bared my canines at her and I was pretty sure that my razor-sharp claws were on display as well. The female doctor raised her hand up in surrender, trying to show that she meant no harm to me or my mate.

"Darius," my sister spoke. I turned to her, my eyes were still a menacing shade of black. "You've got to let Doctor Thompson treat her. Look." she pointed towards my mate on my lap. Hadleigh and Tristan looked shocked, their eyes didn't seem to leave my mate.

I followed Elina's gaze and saw the blood pouring out from Hazlynn's wound. My eyes followed the steady dropping of blood to see that they were forming a small pool on the floor. The sight itself was enough to make me snap out of my Alpha male phase so that I was now thinking clearly.

My eyes widened as I realised how faint her heartbeat actually was. I instantly pushed her away into Doctor Thompson's arms, horrified that my selfish and possessive behaviour had almost killed my mate.

The doctor questioned me silently through the link if I was comfortable with her performing the operation in front of the whole pack. I shook my head, carrying my mate into our room and ordered everyone except the doctor to leave. The operation felt too private to be watched by an audience.

I turned my gaze onto my mate.

Doctor Thompson was immediately treating my mate carefully. She ripped open my mate's dress and unclasped her bra. I tried to calm myself with the thought that the doctor was a woman and she didn't have any motives towards my mate.

I never imagined seeing my mate topless for the first time would be under these circumstances.

I watched as she cleaned the wound with antiseptics. Now that the blood was cleaned, the wound looked horrifying. 10 holes were punctured onto my mate's chest.

She protected me.

If it wasn't for her, I would be the one lying unconscious on the ground. She saved me and what have I done? Acted selfishly and almost cost her her life.

My fists clenched tightly as I watched the doctor sew up the holes. I itched to have my mate in my arms, alive and well. But I felt guilty.

I almost killed my mate.

The Alpha's Queen ✔ (Available on Radish)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora