Chapter 41-Mending us

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Ashton's POV

The past three weeks have been hell for me. After her outburst in the office, I decided to give her some space, because I didn't want to risk her quitting her job and me possibly not seeing her again or not too often. That act of mine seems to be my mistake, 'cause after that, we have drifted so much apart from that I don't know how to bring us back closer. It's like we spend each moment distancing ourselves from each other, and the gap is now wide. I don't even get to be near her and it's killing me. I miss me kissing her rosy lips, and getting drunk from their lovely taste. I miss her a lot despised seeing her every day. I miss her tantalizing and addictive smile which is now replaced with a fake one that doesn't reach her eyes.

"I have prepared your favourite food for breakfast, come have it" Margret spoke standing at the door.

"I'm not hungry, besides it is too early"

"You didn't have dinner last night"

"I'm fine Margret, you don't need to worry about me" my phone choose that very moment to ring.

"Mum? "

"Yes me! What is it I am hearing Ashton, you wouldn't eat or work because of a lady? Do you want to destroy your life because of a lady?..."

"Mum please!" silence engulfed us for a few seconds.

"Ashton... Just tell her how you feel. You are in love... Again after such a long time, tell her and get your happiness back" she said calmly surprising me. How does she change from shouting to emotional in five seconds? Mum has always been weird when showing emotions. I know she cares, she has been calling nonstop and now I know why. That was her showing her love.

"Grey, come and talk to your son. He doesn't listen to me!!" she almost sobbed and I can tell she is trying hard not to.

"Mother, i.."

"it is me.." My dad interrupted "you know your mother is worried about you right? She doesn't want to see you go through the same pain again, avoiding that girl doesn't let the pain or love disappear. talk to her. Apologize again and again if you have to. " dad advised.

"Alright dad, thank you. I will right every wrong." with that I goodbye to mum and dad and hang the call.

"Mum" the phone rang again and I didn't bother checking the caller ID.

"Oh, you finally spoke with her. You wouldn't stop bugging my ears about you! now is a perfect time..." and he went on to tell me about the whereabouts of Ella, and I must say, it was the best news I have heard in weeks. Not even deals succeeding gave me this grin for the past three weeks.

It took me the least minutes to get to the park-like The flash.

Thankfully she was still there as today was Saturday hence no work. She stared straight at the sky as if dreaming with her eyes shining brightly. The brightest I have seen them in weeks.

"Hi" I whispered joining her on the swing.

"What are you doing..." I didn't let her finish. I couldn't hold those feelings in me much longer.

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