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After my shower I laid down in bed, sighing to myself as I turned my tv on

I heard my phone ding, but I ignored it for a few minutes before I let curiosity get to me

It was an unknown number

I believe when we left off, it was your turn.

I sat there confused for several moments before I let it sink in.


I immediately texted back, happy that she felt comfortable enough to actually text me

I've always wanted a pet turtle.

Turtles don't do anything.

I laughed at her response

How do you know? Did you have a pet turtle?

Of course not, because I know that that don't do anything.

You're sassy through text.

I liked how comfortable she seemed in text messages.

My turn.

I waited a moment for another text

If I don't have a fan on, I can't sleep at night.

Why a fan?

The noise relaxes me I guess, I'm not exactly sure.

My turn

I thought hard about what I was going to say

I wish I could meet a penguin in person.

I didn't receive a text back- which I assumed meant she fell asleep, which was good due to the medicines in her system.

I woke up the next morning to no text messages- she must've just slept in.

Around noon I received a text- but it wasn't what I expected

Fun fact

Blake and Griffin are taking me back to your hospital.

I've never threw on clothes faster

"Calum" I yelled out, running into his room.

"Mila is going to the hospital, we need to make sure no one tries to give her shots-" "I'm on it, let's go"

I drove, speeding as Calum called several people to ensure that no one was assigned her case besides us.

We ran inside, throwing scrubs on before going to the nurses.

"I need Mila Gomez's chart" Calum spoke to one, immediately getting what he asked for before we walked into the lobby.

"Mila Gomez" He called out, making various people look into our direction.

Soon two familiar men stood, Griffin keeping his hand on Mila as they walked to us, where Calum led them to an exam room.

"What's going on?" Calum asked as I looked to her bright red cheeks, telling me she certainly had a fever.

"She ran fever and threw up all night long, we gave her Tylenol and stomach medicines but nothing is making it stop, when she woke up throwing up we knew we had to bring her here" Blake spoke, his eyes staying glued to her.

I immediately grabbed a thermometer as Calum grabbed a blood pressure cup.

Together, we quickly checked her vitals, all of which did not make us happy in the slightest.

"103.7" I read to Calum, seeing him frown.

He lifted she sleeves of her shirt, looking to the spots, making me do the same on my side.

"I've got swelling" I spoke, looking to two of the spots, seeing swollen lumps.

"She's having a bad reaction, we need to get an IV in, get her some fluids and a general-" "Luke" she immediately spoke out- all attention directing to her.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

"I don't want shots" she immediately spoke, making my hand go to her head, feeling nothing but heat.

"We don't have a choice, Mila"

She didn't fight us.

Calum took her arm, wiping it gently.

"Remember, we aren't going to hurt you, we're only giving you medicine that will reduce your fever and help with your reactions" I reminded her, feeling her head hit my shoulder

As soon as Calum got the needle in, she started crying.

He taped it down, giving her first rounds of medicines along with some fluids as she continually cried.

"Mila, honey- you're already dehydrated, you have to stop crying" Calum spoke, rubbing her arm gently

"Why exactly is she crying?"

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