Twenty Four

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The day was full of excitement.

The guys were excited to finally have a guest come and stay in our guest room, I was excited to get closer to her.

Around three, the soft knock that I had learned as Mila sounded before the door opened, a smile on her face.

"Good afternoon" I smiled to her, watching her walk to me.

"Want a mint?" I asked, watching her eyes glance from the mints to me.

"I'm okay; thank you" She spoke, sitting in her chair.

"How are you feeling?" I asked her, seeing her shrug.

"I'm good, excited to be with you" She spoke simply, making me smile.

I liked that she was starting to voice her excitement or happiness- that way I knew how she was feeling.

"Can we do Jenga?" She spoke.

She was so comfortable today, I couldn't help but wonder what was different.

"Of course" I nodded.

She watched as I set the pieces up.

"It's your turn" she spoke, making me smile.

"I'm from Australia" I spoke, seeing her excitement drop

"I knew that" she spoke.

"How did you know that?" I laughed out.

Her eyes narrowed to me
"You certainly don't have an American accent, Luke"

I laughed lightly to her

"Well that was my fact, you have to deal with it" I laughed out, seeing her eyes roll.

"I know how to pick a lock" she spoke, this had my interest.

"Prove it"

I made her go outside, and I locked myself in my office, waiting patiently.

I could hear her messing with the doorknob and almost ten seconds later she opened the door, holding a bobby pin

"Told you" she grinned, impressing me.

We joined back together, starting the Jenga game.

"I used to have a band" I spoke.

"Like- a music band?" She shot.

"Yep, Calum and my other two friends were in it with me" I spoke, seeing her smile.

"Were y'all any good?" She asked

"Let's just say"

"There's a reason we went to medical school"

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