chapter 1

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Enjoy the first chapter of my book :D more chapters coming soon!

This chapter contains violance.

I sat there head against the wall and legs covering my chest.i rapped my arms around them trying to keep warmth locked within my body.hugging them in such.

This room was cold,very cold and the rags we had upon us did nothing against the cold.

I glanced around the dark room.

The other pets looked hopeless,some crying others,just giving up.A few just sit there staring out the small hole in the wall that aloud the latest bit of light into this little dark cement room that we were in.

A couple finding a little enjoyment in braiding each others hair.

My eyes skimmed the four walls.

I looked to the floor,And up to the metal door,then back down to the little dog bowl in the corner.

That bowl was what we get our water from.

And our food would be left over dinner of the pet masters plate.

Some of us left starving,as there would only be very little considering there were 8 of us.

I cant remember the last time i ate of a plate and actually had a knife and fork,or sit at a dinner table.

But i should be more than grateful.

We hardly ever got baths.But when we did we dreaded getting them.

The pet master would pull us by our hair and out the door.He would then drag us into the tiny bathroom and strip us from our rags.then he would turn on the cold tap and push us into it.he then would get a sponge and put some body wash on it.

He then would scrape it against are cuts and bruises and he would do it with a smirk on hes face,he liked looking at the blood falling of our cuts and into the icy cold water.

Then he'd rinse us off and give us back are rags and throw us back into the cement room.

He only washed us when ever he found out that a vampire was coming to look at us.

When i was 12 i was captured from my town,along with 3 others.

Ive been here for 5 years.ive seen pets come in and pets go out.

My hand reached up to the colar tightly rapped around my neck.

I sighed.

Im kind of used to the boredom...

And the beatings.

I looked at my arms,scars showing clearly.

And just along my hips were a couple more.

My back was were he usually lashed the whip at.

The whip was bad but id rather that then the belt.

He would use that when he was really angry.

Sometimes he would do things to us that most couldn't bare watch...

I cant help but wonder,what its like for the pets that go out.

I doubt they sleep in a big cozy bed or have room service,or 5 course meals or that there masters take care of them.

Half of them have to be dead for sure.vampires probably sucked them dry.

Well when i do get bought,i know what will happen to me,im prepared.

I think.

The sobs and crys of the other pets ran through the halls,the sound ringed like a hundred bells in my ears.

"No no i dont want to die"cried one of the pets across from me she was swaying back and forward.

"KEEP IT DOWN IN THERE!"came petmasters voice making me leap.

He was just outside the door,witch made me more scared.

The girl sobbed louder this time and i stared at her,her face was stained with tears.Her hair was brushed and clean and her clothes were new,she was a new pet only brought in last night.

She was tugging at the colar around her neck.

I gently and slowly put my finger up to my lip in order to shsh her.

But her sobs grew louder.

I new what was about to happen as i heard the door lock being unlocked.

I pushed myself further into the wall hoping i would just disintegrate.

I wanted to disappear.

I squeezed my legs tight.

Suddenly he burst through the door.

The other pets all went against the wall and hid behind eachother.

Trying to protect there selves.

But no matter how much you try to protect yourself from a vampire your chances of winning are 0.

My eyes met on what he was holding.

Hes hand carried a belt while the other was clenched.

Hes green luminous eyes scanned the dark room before they found the cryer.

I kept my head down as to staring at the pet master would be like disrespecting him.

Witch could have you beating endlessly.

I held a deep breath.

My body tensed as i watched the pet master storm over to the pet.

"N-no p-"she tried to get out but he just hit her and hit her over and over again.

My eyes blinked with each sound of the belt connecting to her skin.

I turned my head away.i couldnt bare watch,i wanted to stop him but that would be a death wish.

He repeatedly hit her hard with the belt.

Her screams ran around the room causing me to shiver at the sound.

I covered my eyes with my hands and started thinking of happy thoughts.

But the room was silent and the only thing that you could hear was the belt hitting her and her sobs for mercy.

Then it stopped,the beating stopped.

I spread my fingers apart and looked out.

He put a hand through hes hair and then took a deep breathe and exhaled.

The pet was now lying on her side, face to the floor.i could hear the latest cries from her.

He looked around the room before hes eyes landed on another,and he marched over to her.

He grabbed her head of hair and dragged her out the door.

Her nails digged into the cement floor,as he pulled her along.

She didnt dare fight back against him.

A weak human is no match for a strong vampire.

Soon she was pulled out of the room and the door was shut.the bang of the door hit my ears and i jumped.

I put my head down.

And closed my eyes.i prayed that i wouldnt be next.

Pets Must Be Punished Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ