chapter 3

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I watched Loreal tug at her leash before she gradually moved.

She shot me a quick glance before standing up straight.

The pets all had a sad look on there faces as she did.

She looked at him straight in the eyes,before she spoke " go to hell "
As she spat on him.

My face stained in tears as I was shocked of to what she did.

What was she thinking?!,to spit on a vampire!? That's like dying before your dead.

He looked at the pet master and then to the other vampire.

"She's got potential " he chuckled a little before he slapped her face with such force I could of swore she blacked out for a second, I flinched.

Her pale fractured body fell to the ground hard.

She put her hand on the side of her face were had been struck,She then lifted her hand off and lay against the wall.

No tears.

No sobs.

Nothing,she was so broken inside and out,she wouldn't last two minutes with a vampire like Loreal,I'm even suprised she's still alive,But I can't worry for her as selfish as that sounds,i have to worry about me.

I pushed myself into the wall and began thinking of what my life would be like tommorow.

Tears began to fall slowly from my face,I wasn't that scared, I kind of basically am used to fear.

That sounds a little weird but it's true,I would've had my whole life ahead of me if it wasn't for being captured.

I would've been a normal human with a perfect job and nice home to walk into,I would've had a nice car and they'd be money in my pockets,however the reality struck me that I would never get these things now and in the future.

"Get up Jade"

Thats her name?

It was quite pretty,like one of those people/names that you know for a long time,like grow up with and then go to high shool and still be besties.

It reminded me of home,for some reason I don't know why.

Thinking back of those memories that filled my head as he spoke her name, The cobble stone path that let to the step the entered the house and past the lovely lily's,daisy's and all sorts of scenery.

That's what her name reminded me of.

Loreal  he kicked her into her stomach as she disobeyed,I shut my eyes as to of the moans of pain she screamed as he did so.

Some pets started to cry,I don't know why though it was me and jade's life that were through not theirs,even though with or without a vampire buying them they'd be dead with in a few years.

I cried.

And cried

I couldn't stop the tears falling from my eyes,this was like a nightmare but it's a real one.

She slowly stood up a look of anger and sadness hid in her features.

I pittied her.

I felt something turn within my stomach.

Loreal turned and walked over to the pet master,hes footsteps echoed throughout the room as each foot hit the ground.

The other pets were drained from color just like the walls around us.

jade Was getting pulled along.

I saw bernie from the corner of my eye,she was looking at jade before her glance shot to me.

She slowly moved herself towards me.

She kept her eyes on loreal as he fumbled hes pocket for something witch when he pulled out was hes wallet,it was a shiny black one with a shiny gold clip.

Bernie was terrified,she slowly sat beside me,hugging me,I think this was her first time seeing a vampire.

I understood it was hard for her.

My eyes watched as loreal opened the wallet and took out money.

He handed it to the pet master,and he then counted it.

"Pleasure doing business with you sir" the pet master said as he shook hands with Loreal.

" are you ready?"the other vampire hissed.

"Yeah Ace I'm fucking ready " he bit back.

The vampires left the room as so did the pet master.

Jade gave me a quick stare before she turned and was dragged away.

They left the room leaving silence with us.

Don't be a silent reader tell me what you think love to hear your opinions!♡♡♡♡♡

Your's sincerely,dragonfly♡》

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