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Leah stared at one of the paintings of the infamous Monet and she looked back at Elijah

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Leah stared at one of the paintings of the infamous Monet and she looked back at Elijah. Was she boring him with her ongoing history teachings? She examined him closely, a smile tugging at his lips and a warmth in his deep brown eyes. He didn't look bored, she concluded, feeling a flutter she'd never been aware of in her stomach.

'Excuse me, but I'm afraid the museum will be closing and I have to ask you to leave.'

As the French words hit her, she felt like a brick dropped down, crushing the flutters in her stomach and only a heavy load remaining. Until now, she hadn't realised how much she'd been enjoying herself. And clawing onto her last straws she asked: 'But the museum closes at midnight, right?'

The woman, dressed in a blue uniform, a card with the name Maria pinned on her chest, sighed. A sigh of annoyance or disinterest, the one that felt almost like someone rolled their eyes at you. A bored expression played on her face, 'It is midnight, mademoiselle.'

Leah's eyes widened as she turned to Elijah, 'That's impossible, it can't have been later than six when we arrived.'

A chuckle left his lips, 'It's midnight, we've been here for six hours.'

'And you haven't dragged me out of here yet? Kicking and screaming?'

Daniel had never failed to mention how boring it was to listen to her rants about history and art, even though for some reason he still hung out with her. But the stranger whom had, not only bought her a book, but also a ticket for the museum, had listened to her for six hours. She paled as she thought what he'd think of her. She would've kicked herself for placing him under such torment for an hour alone, not to mention he'd put up with it for six.

'Why would I've done that? I can't think of a better way to spend my evening than listening to a beautiful woman talk about art.'

The deep honesty that laced his voice sent thrills down her spine as her eyes lowered to her hands. Was this a date? She suddenly found herself asking. She'd never really dated, love was a tricky thing that most of the times ended in nothing but heartbreak and despair. She didn't need a broken heart to know this, it was common knowledge. Yet there was something about the man in front of her that couldn't stop her from looking, wondering. Whether it was his piercing brown eyes, that looked like they could read your every thought, or his heartwarming smile, that could keep you warm in the coldest Siberian winters.

Her throat went dry as she registered her thoughts, unable to utter a word to him. Luckily for her, she didn't need to. Because a sneer from Maria interrupted their moment: 'Would you please continue your romantic rendezvous outside? The museum is closing.'

Leah's eyes widened as she looked up at Elijah, there was a slight anger burning in his eyes as he turned to the woman. 'We'll be on our way.'

The palms of her hands started sweating as she felt Elijah place his hand on her back. Tiny sparks flickering on the place where it rested, just around her waist, never low enough to be considered inappropriate. He walked her outside, where the baby blue sky had already been replaced by the dark blue that could be mistaken for black. The city lights made it nearly impossible to see the stars that littered the beautiful canvas above, but even those had some charm in their own way.

𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐞 ⟪♥︎⟫ Elijah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now