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'Oh my god,' Leah exclaimed as she stirred her cup of tea with her spoon, 'Daniel, what am I doing? That man makes me go insane, I swear

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'Oh my god,' Leah exclaimed as she stirred her cup of tea with her spoon, 'Daniel, what am I doing? That man makes me go insane, I swear.'

Laughter erupted from his lips, on which the foam of his morning coffee had stuck, 'If what I've seen from you before was sane, than I'm already frightened of what's to follow.'

A groan escaped her lips as she buried her head in her hands, any other day she would've glared at him or rolled her eyes, but this time she just whimpered, 'Oh no, what if he thinks so too? Why on earth did I initiate the kiss?'

Daniel choked on his coffee, his eyes popping, 'You kissed him?'

'I know, I'm so stupid...'

'No! You go girl! Crush those gender roles.'

A small smile playing on her lips as a ridiculous grin took ahold of his face. Of course Daniel wouldn't laugh at her initiating the kiss, the guy who happily flaunted his rainbow flag in everything he wore, or occasionally the pink, purple, blue one, was very fond of blurring the lines between gender. Once, she'd questioned him whether it was wrong of her to think that she wanted to be really feminine and wished for a perfect gentleman.

He never was the one for long speeches, he'd always preferred his jokes and short sarcastic comebacks. But that day, he'd lowered his cup of spiced latte and looked her kindly in the eye. 'No, it is not wrong. Personally, I don't believe that you have to label people as female or male, but some seek comfort within that label and that is completely fine. So is being attracted to a gentleman, by the way. Although I do believe you'd need to find one with modern day values, because I don't want any man confining you to the stove.'

'I won't let that happen,' she'd promised him.

'Not that there's anything wrong with being a housewife,' he'd corrected himself, 'as long as you choose to be one and aren't forced to.'

She liked him because of his open minded view of the world, he could see things from all perspectives and would rarely judge. He watched the news, although he'd never show to anyone except her, and he kept her up to date on all things of importance. She lost track now and then of politics, as art and history books had somehow always claimed the time she'd made free for the newspaper, but he talked her through everything.

'He's so confusing,' she blurted out, 'one minute I think he likes me and the next I don't.'

'You're in love.'

Her eyes widened, the biscuit that she'd had clamped between her teeth fell to the table, 'No. I'm not in love. Am I?'

'If that's not love, I don't know what is.'

Her breathing quickened, 'shit, I'm in love.' She leaned back in her chair and stared at Daniel, 'What am I going to do? Love can't be that fast, can it?'

'You're going to continue your daily routine and when you see him, you're going to to say: Je veux coucher avec toi.'

Leah's face coloured the same shade as her red sweater, 'No. I am most definitely not going to say something so vulgar.'

𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐞 ⟪♥︎⟫ Elijah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now