After plaid shirt days and nights where you made me your own

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*/ sorry guys there is a lot of dialogue in the chapter so sorry if it's boring but what Taylor says is really important to the story/*

"Sit." Harry gestured towards the couch.
Taylor kicked herself as she felt her boots squelch against his floor with step she took. She hadn't planned on it raining.
"No, it's okay" she breathed out as she crossed her arms to stay warm. "I just came to tell you."
Taylor paused before saying what she had to next. She'd practiced it on the plane ride over but it was just so much harder saying it to his face. With those big green eyes staring at her.
"I needed to tell you that I'm sorry." She dropped her hands to her sides and stood awkwardly. Waiting for a reply.
"You flew all the way from New York just to tell me that?" He said, raising both eyebrows. "Could you not have sent a text?"
"Just, let me speak." She grabbed his arm gently but he shrugged her off. She looked down embarrassed. This wasn't going to be easy.
"Look- I-"
Pull yourself together. You flew all the way here. Make it worth it. She stepped closer to Harry at stared up at him pleadingly.
"You were right. About the whole fake personality thing. I- that's not really who I am."
"Oh yeah?" He snapped angrily.
She'd clearly really hurt him and he didn't seem like he wanted her there. Or to hear what she had to say. But she had to say it. It had been keeping her up for weeks.
"I'm really a person who feels everything way to strongly, falls in love way to fast, and gets hurt way too easily. Who believes in fairytales and always sees the best in people. I like to believe the best in people and shut out all the bad things. Make excuses and protect them. Cause that's just the type of person I've always been. Thing is, that never got me anything in the past apart from a lot- a lot of pain."
She looked back down at the floor and started fiddling with her fingers.
"My last boyfriend, Jake."
She winced as she said his name.
"I was so convinced that he was all I would ever need. I made up all these fantasy romances about us in my head and well he- he wasn't who I thought he was. I knew he wasn't perfect but I trusted him. He showed me time and time again that he wasn't someone I could rely on. But I did. He took my virginity."
She gulped before continuing. She'd never said it out loud.
"He told me that he loved me and that he wanted to marry me one day but he- he cheated on me." She began to choke up but stopped herself. "Multiple times. He would hit me and I just kept taking him back because-Because I was in love with him and it just really fucked me up okay."
She gazed back up at Harry with tears in her eyes. She'd never told anyone this next bit.
"After that I swore that I wouldn't trust people as easily or get close to anyone untill I knew that I could. I changed my personality, I changed my hair,my clothes. And I decided that I'd never get hurt again." 
"Taylor-" Harry grabbed her hand and this time she let him.
"But then I met you and- and you made me forget. I would slip up and show you my real self and that scared me. It really scared me. I thought that if you got close to me the Jake thing would just happen all over again. It would end just like it always does. Every time. I had to keep reminding myself to push you away."
She took both his hands in her's.
"But I realised that I don't want to be this new heartless person. It doesn't work. All it did was make me feel more alone than ever. I like being with you and being myself. I want to try this. And if it means getting hurt again I'm willing to take that risk."
Harry gawked at her, jaw half dropped, before pulling her into the most comforting hug she'd ever experienced. She couldn't explain why, but tears started to roll down her cheeks and onto Harry's shoulder. He was so warm. She felt safe as she breathed in his scent and felt his strong arms around her.
"Shhh." He soothed."It's okay."
He pulled away from the hug and lifted one hand to her cheek to wipe a tear away.
"You're with me now. Not this Jake piece of shit or any other fucking asshole that's hurt you."
"You- you promise me you'll stay." She whispered, leaning her forehead on his.
"I'll stay."

After what seemed like decades of silence, he let her go and walked to the mantle place above the fire place where picked up his keys.
"C'mon." He said grabbing her hand. "We're going to cheer you up."

"Harry what are we doing?" Taylor stopped walking and pulled his arm to make him do so as well. It was cold and wet and she really didn't feel like going on some long excursion.
"Just trust me." Harry said stepping behind her. Slowly he moved his hands over her face to cover her eyes.
"What are you-" she started to complain but stopped as he planted a small kiss on her neck.
Harry smiled to himself as he watched her suppress a whimper. He would've continued but they were on a street, in public.
"Keep your eyes closed and follow me." He said, taking her hand. "We're almost there."
"Where are you taking me, a strip club?" She asked sarcastically and giggled as she let him lead her forward.
"Definitely not." He laughed as he opened the door to the shop.
Stepping inside, he placed his hands over her eyes once again. One uncooperative kitten meowed very loudly and he couldn't help but smile as he saw her face light up.
"Was that-"
"You ready?" He teased.
"Just let me see already!"
"Voila." Harry announced, uncovering her eyes and gesturing towards the dozens of kittens.
inside the pen with them.
He barely had time to see the look of pure joy on her face before she was down on her knees in the pen with them. He used to take his sister here whenever she was upset. It would help her calm down and forget.
"Aren't you just the most handsome little thing? Yes you are!"
She squealed and giggled with excitement as the cats jumped on her and nibbled at pawed at her shoes. The shopkeeper looked at Harry bewildered. An international pop superstar, leaping into her kitten pen like a 5 year old kid, was most likely not a site she saw everyday.
"Oh my god! Harry,look at that one."
Taylor smiled back at him over her shoulder while pointing to a little white kitten in the corner. It was lying on its back with all four of its legs stretched out in different directions but still managing to maintain strong eye contact with Harry.
"That's got to be the most retarded fucking cat I've ever seen in my life." He smiled in amusement while kneeling down to scratch its belly through the fence of the pen.
Taylor grinned at him mischievously, peeping her fingers through the fence.
"You wanna come join me?"
She bit her lip cutely and he just couldn't resist.
Before he knew it, Harry was over the fence and surrounded by kittens with Taylor. The lengths he went to for this woman.
He gently wrapped his fingers around the kitten's stomach and plopped it onto his lap.
"Awhaawww" She cooed as its eyes closed when he scratched behind its ears.
As soon as he stopped, it rolled off him onto the ground and bounced its way towards Taylor.
"Hey!" He exclaimed as Taylor picked it up.
"That one was mine!"
"What can I say? It just wanted me more."
She grinned as playfully at him, cuddling the kitten against her chest.
"What should we call it." She questioned, inspecting the cat.
"Harry." He said confidently. There was no better name.
"It's a girl." She snapped back at him.
"Well I wasn't looking at its bits!" He said defensively.
She cackled adorably before plopping the kitten down of the floor.
He stared at her confused.
"Olivia?"Harry seemed a much better option.
"Detective Olivia Benson."
"Suit yourself." He thrusted his arms up in the air before leaning back against the fence.
He liked watching her play with the cats. She seemed so carefree and happy. He hadn't seen her genuinely happy in a long time.
Taylor looked up at him and opened her mouth to say something but just stopped and smiled at him. She was so beautiful when she smiled.
"Taylor." He asked calmly.
She just continued to look at him, unaware of how mesmerising she looked.
"Can I ask you something?"
"Sure." She said innocently.
"Why did you get so upset when I called you crazy?"
Her smiled faded and she looked down at the cat in her lap immediately. She fiddled with her fingers nervously. Finally she took a deep breath and met his eyes once again to answer the question.
"It's what Jake used to call me whenever I though he was cheating."
She returned her gaze to her fingers.
"Of course he was." She answered quietly. "But he said it so much I actually started to believe that it. That it was my fault."
Harry grabbed her hand without even thinking. His body just did it. How could anybody ever cheat on her.
She smiled sadly at him while blinking away tears.
"I swear if I ever see his lying, cheating face I'll kill him."
Taylor moves closer to him and rested her head on his shoulder, allowing him to wrap his arms around her.
"Thank you." She whispered.
"For what?"
"Just, thank you."
He hugged her tighter before lifting one hand to catch the shopkeepers attention.
"I'd like to buy one cat please."

Wonderland (Taylor Swift + Harry Styles +Jake Gyllenhaal + Connor Kennedy)Where stories live. Discover now