I miss you to much to be mad amymore

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"Yeah, I get that. But don't you think you over reacted a little?" Ed said casually as the pair of singers lay on his hotel bed.
"Urgh. Can we not talk about Harry for like 10 minutes please?" Taylor moaned as she stuffed a pillow over her head. All week the only thing anybody seemed to want to ask her about was Harry. Taylor! Are you okay? Taylor, you should get over him. Taylor, why did you do that? And yeah, maybe she was a hot mess. But she didn't need everyone to remind her of it every 5 seconds.
"You know what? I actually think I'm gonna go home." Taylor suggested, peeking half of her face out of the pillow to look at Ed. "Get some sleep."
Ed's gaze dropped down to the bed as a subconscious single of his disappointment. She knew he was just trying to help but she just couldn't talk about Harry anymore. She'd made up her mind and the more she talked about it the more she'd realise what an idiot she'd been.
"Okay," He said in defeat, "let's get lunch tomorrow?"
Taylor smiled and exited his hotel roll and made her way down the winding stair case.
Just as she was passing through the revolving door exiting the building she collided suddenly with something she didn't recognised.
"Woah! Sorry." She uttered in shock as she tried to regain her balance. As her vision came back into focus she noticed the body of a scruffy looking man standing in-front of her. The last man she wanted to see.
His skinny jeans and messy brown hair where all too familiar but when she locked onto his stare she was met with blue eyes instead of green.
"Taylor I-," he looked around nervously at the buzzing city around them, second guessing his decision, "your doorman told me I could find you here."
Taylor scoffed at started walking towards her car, Louis scrambling after her. "What? Come to gloat?"
Louis grabbed her arm and scurried around her skinny frame to block her pathway towards the SUV waiting for her.
"No. No, not at all." He took a deep breath, " can I please just talk to you."
After 15 awkward minutes of wondering the cold December streets of New York with Louis she finally put a stop to his blabbering and made him sit with her on a bench in Central Park. The winter darkness masked their faces and kept them safe from paparazzi.
"Look, Louis." She began, "I know I don't know anything about you. You've made that very clear." Louis laughed a little reminiscing on all their bickering.
"But I do know that you didn't fly all the way to New York and track me down just to talk."
Louis stared at the ground for a couple of seconds before inhaling deeply. He couldn't avoid the subject anymore.
"Okay. What I've come to tell you," He started very slowly, his breaths growing ever more shaky. "I came to apologise. I feel horrible-"
Taylor stopped him before he could continue.
"No. Louis. It's not your fault. We would have broken up anyway. Everything you said was true."
"Except it's not." Louis blurted out.
"What?" She replied in confusion.
"I didn't want you to break up for the reasons you think I did. I didn't think you where bad for each other at all." He fumbled with his words. "Quite the opposite actually."
"What are you saying?" Taylor asked edging closer to him. What possible other motive could he have had other than protecting his best friend?
"I'm saying I- " He began but started hyperventilating before the sentence was finished.
Taylor rushed to put her hand on his shoulder. Whatever it was he was seriously upset about it and even though she didn't particularly like him she didn't want to see him in pain.
"Louis- Louis it's okay. Just breathe." She inhaled and exhaled slowly until their breathing patterns fell in sync."What's wrong?"
"What I need to say- I've never said it out loud before- because once I have it becomes real and I don't know if I'm ready for it to be real."
His whole body was shaking now and he was stuttering.
"Jesus, Louis. You're scaring me. What's so bad you can't tell me? Or forget me, what's so bad that you can't even tell Harry?"
He looked her deep in her eyes and stared at her more intensely than she'd ever been looked at in her life.
"That I'm in love with him."
The pair of them froze. Staring at each other in disbelief. Disbelief at what she'd heard. And disbelief at what he'd finally said after years of keeping it to himself.
"That's why I was such a prick to you. It wasn't because I hated you. It was because I was jealous of you."
Taylor didn't have any words that could describe what she was feeling. So she just hugged him so tightly. This man had risked everything coming and telling her this. Even though she'd been nothing but horrible to him. That took bravery. Real bravery. Admitting your biggest secret to your enemy? He needed all the support he could get.
"Louis, I- I don't know what to say."
She whispered defencelessly.
"It's okay. You don't need to say anything."
He pulled away and looked at her with tears in his blue eyes. Blue eyes that where oh so similar to hers.
"The point is. The man I love will never love me back. And there's nothing I can do about it."
He put his hand on hers, "but you still can."
"- No. Just let me finish." He pleaded, "I know you're scared of what will happen with you and Harry. But there's still a chance. However small it may be that you can be together happily." At this point tears where prominent in both pairs of their eyes. "And that sliver of a chance is worth fighting for. Because I know you love him. Even if you can't say it."
Taylor wiped a tear away from his cheek at a loss for words.
"You don't know what I'd give for that chance." He smiled at her bittersweetly before quickly looking down to hide his face that was masking so much suffering.
"Just promise me you'll fight for him." Louis begged through the tears, "for me." He asked as he slid a plane ticket into her hand.
He answered her question before she could even ask.
"Harry's leaving for Utah in 45 minutes for the skiing trip he planned for the two of you." He fastened her grip around the ticket. "Go."
Taylor took a deep breath and stood up from the bench.
"Okay. But before I leave," She placed both her hands on Louis's shoulders who was still sitting down and met his gaze one last time. "You should know, you are the bravest man I've ever met. And i can't imagine how much strength it took for you to do this. I'm so so sorry that this is the way the things are. And I hope one day you find someone who admires you as much as I now do."
"I hope so too." Louis said as he smiled at her.
"But right now you have a plane to catch."
"I'm sorry ma'am but I can't let you through."
An airport security guard insisted for the third time. She hadn't brought her passport with her because she'd came straight away from the park with Louis and the airport staff was not having it. Taylor checked the time in her phone. 23:23. She had 7 minutes until Harry's private jet took off.
"Come on! True love is on the line here." She exclaimed dramatically.
"I know- you've said." He said, rolling his eyes. "But I can't let you past these gates without identification."
Fine. She would have to resort to plan B.
"You want identification?" She said as she scrambled through her purse for her phone.
"Ma'am. What are you doing?"
Quickly she googled her name, something she wasn't too fond of doing, and came up with her Wikipedia page. Thank god. She sighed relief. Sometimes she loved being famous.
"There!" She said in triumph and she shoved her phone in his face. "Taylor Alison fucking swift. Anything you can find on a passport you can find there, plus endless information on my ex-boyfriends and failures."
"Can you please just let me through?" She pleaded.
"Fine." He laughed and stepped aside.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She kissed him on the cheek with excitement before she ran across the runway towards the plane Harry was on.
She sprinted up the stairs until she came face to face with a rather startled looking air hostess.
She was too busy panting to be able to argue her way on the plane but to her relief the hostess seemed to understand and let her pass.
By the time she made it into the cabin she was hot and red and out of breath, drawing immediate attention to her from the entire of his team and well, Harry.
"Taylor?" He asked in disbelief as he stared her with his jaw dropped. "What are you doing?"
Flustered, Taylor stood their for a moment regaining oxygen in her lungs before she walked towards him, as fast as she could in the narrow plane corridor. "I'll tell you on the way," she gasped as she threw her arms around his neck. "For now just let me kiss you."

Wonderland (Taylor Swift + Harry Styles +Jake Gyllenhaal + Connor Kennedy)Where stories live. Discover now