Piece by Piece

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When you graduate from "Being In Love" to "Loving Someone" you understand - Love is not about owning, Love is about wanting the best for them, It's about seeing or Helping them achieve great heights, with or without you. Love is not what you say, it's what you do.

 Love is not what you say, it's what you do

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Chapter Six ~ Piece by Piece

"Isabel, can I talk to you for a moment please?" William asked as he entered the kitchen where Isabel was helping the chef make dinner for tonight.

"Yeah, sure. Excuse me, Hector, I'll be right back." Isabel said as she went to wash her hands at the sink before drying it on the napkin.

"I'll be waiting, Isabel." Hector said as he continued to read the recipe that Isabel wrote down for him to follow.

Isabel walked up to William.

"Where do you want to talk?" Isabel asked.

"The garden." William answered.

"Oh, it's been so long since we did one of those walks." Isabel said as William led her out of the kitchen.

"Our best moments have been during our garden walks." William said.

"That is true." Isabel said.

They walked in a comfortable silence as they made their way through the gardens, around the hedges and various statutes. As they walked past the fountain, William couldn't help himself and he started to chuckle under his breath.

Isabel stopped and turned toward him. "What's so funny?" She asked.

He cleared his throat. "Nothing, I apologize." He answered.

William started chuckling again. A little louder this time. They stopped right in front of the fountain as Isabel was determined to find out what was so funny.

"Okay, Seriously, What has you laughing so hard? Tell me what is so funny." Isabel said as she was getting annoyed.

He finally gave into the fit of laughter.

"You do not remember?" He asked.

"Remember what?" Isabel asked.

"This." Will answered as they both tumbled into the fountain together.

"Isabel!" William shouted running after me.

"Leave me, alone." Isabel shouted back as William followed her into the garden.

Isabel sat down on the edge of the fountain.

"Isabel, What has gotten into you?" William asked, concerned.

"William, please leave me alone." Isabel answered.

His hand was on her shoulder.

"Why did you storm off when I introduced you to Rose?" William asked.

"I don't want to talk about it." Isabel answered.

"Tell me what's wrong?" Williams asked.

Isabel stood up and turned to walk away but William grabbed her too quickly causing them both to tumble into the fountain.

Isabel screamed as she splashed water all over William and hitting him.

"Why would you do that?" Isabel asked.

"You needed to cool down." William answered, laughing.

"There are other ways to cool someone down, William." Isabel said but soon she started to laugh too.

"William!" Charles exclaimed as he and Juan walked up to find them playing in the fountain.

"Sorry, papa." Isabel said with the puppy dog eyes.

"You both are in so much trouble." Juan said, shaking his head.

Isabel came up quickly, laughing.

"Oh now I remember. That was fun until we got caught by our dads and had to help around the garden afterwards." She said.

"Isabel, I need to ask you something." William said.

"What is it?" Isabel asked.

"Do you love me?" William asked.

Isabel, Princess of Wales | Prince William FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now