Chapter Five

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Chapter Five 

The first test Nowak put him through was an hour's inquisition about the job he had just pulled, and his past history, checking to see that his replies matched the information he had found on the com unit. When he passed that successfully, he moved unsmilingly on to his physical skills and afterwards grudgingly put him to work as part of the crew, under Levi's supervision. 

"I still don't trust him," grumbled Nowak unhappily, a couple of days later.  

Mars paid little attention, he was well aware that Nowak disliked the newest recruit and deeply resented the fact that Mars had taken him on board. Conn had passed the tests he had set him with flying colours, in fact he had proved to be the best navigator they had on the ship, so perhaps there was an element of jealousy there too, he mused.  

Although Nowak was not an om, as second in command he was used to being Mars' chief confidant. He didn't like the fact that the Captain was apparently still interested in Conn, despite knowing he was straight, keeping him working close by, watching him whenever he thought nobody was noticing. He thought he was making a mistake, letting his feelings get in the way of his common sense. If it had been up to him, he would have put Conn back in the shuttle and let him take his chances with the asteroids. He didn't understand what Mars thought he was doing.  

"I think we'll hold off on the trip to Mayia, for the moment," Mars announced. "The men can spend some of their credits on Mut if they want to. Arrange a roster will you Nowak? Not Conn of course," he added rather unnecessarily. 

He wanted to wait a bit and see how much, if at all, Conn could be trusted. The last thing he wanted to do was to carry a spy all the way to a new and unfamiliar star system where he didn't know any of the escape routes or secure hideaways. So now they were idly cruising around the far side of Bast, groups of six men taking turns to go to Mut via an old, carefully disguised shuttle to check out the less well known bars and brothels. 

Conn put his head down and got to work, trying to earn his acceptance by the crew. He stayed out of the Captain's way as much as he could while he established himself, though he was disconcerted to discover how many times he caught Mars watching him. He couldn't decide whether it was because he didn't trust him or because he fancied him. Whatever the reason, it made him very uncomfortable. 

To his considerable surprise, Conn found life on board was surprisingly similar to life on a Patrol ship. They ran drills, checked and rechecked equipment, studied navigation and monitored local news to see what was happening around them. Discipline was at once both harsher and yet less structured. As leader of the pirate ship, Mars had even more authority than a Patrol Captain, his word was law, pure and simple, but other than having Nowak as second in command, there was no other hierarchy of officers. 

He found Mars himself, completely unfathomable. On the one hand his skills as captain were above reproach, the ship was well run, apparently without the bullying or intimidation he had expected. On the other ... he simply didn't understand how one man could be attracted to another, let alone take a man as a prisoner and rape him. He cringed at the mere thought. The sooner he was able to put an end to this reign of terror the better. 

Like any ship, the crew were a mixture of types and personalities. Reudiger Levi, the man who had been partnered with him was a case in point. He found Levi friendly enough, although both men realised Levi was the one in charge, accompanying Conn wherever he went. Under different circumstances, Conn thought they might have become friends. As it was he found he needed to remind himself more than once that this man was a criminal, wanted for hijacking and theft. Although it was true that as yet, no-one had been killed, it was self evident that men like these had to be prepared to kill if necessary. 

"Been here long?" Conn asked him as they sat together in the common room, setting up a game of Mahjong. He was careful not to seem too inquisitive but he thought that was a natural enough question to ask. 

"The whole two years," Levi answered proudly. He looked shrewdly at the other man. "You don't know how lucky you are to be taken on. Best ship I've ever been on. Captain knows what he's doing and every man gets his share of the takings fair and square, no fighting over who gets what." He moved a piece. "Mind you, some can't take the discipline, all the rules. Runs a tight ship, Mars does, but I don't mind, at least you know where you are with him." 

Conn nodded, pretending agreement. "You're right. I wasn't making it on my own and I thought it was worth the risk to try and get a berth with him." 

"Smuggler, were you?" Levi asked interestedly. 

Normally it was considered poor etiquette to enquire about a comrade's past, but under the circumstances, Conn realised he would be expected to explain himself more than others. 

"Yes. Got hold of some silver from Isis, but the Patrol was on to me by the third run." He shook his head in self disgust. 

Levi smiled in commiseration, but didn't offer his own story in return. Conn was not disappointed, he wasn't expecting to be there long enough to gain that level of trust. He hoped it wouldn't be too long before he was able to complete his mission. 

Conn proceeded to win the game and was just setting up the pieces for a second round when he felt a hand on his shoulder. 

"I don't suppose you know how to play that properly?" Mars' voice came from behind him. 

"I've played a bit," Conn replied cautiously, without turning his head.  

"Will you have a game with me?" the pirate asked, his hand still on Conn's shoulder. While he was speaking, his hand slid lightly upwards to stroke the sensitive skin on the back of his neck. Conn jumped and pulled away quickly. He turned to face him, frowning.  

"Of course sir," he replied, as Levi rose hastily to his feet, giving up his place. "I'd be happy to play a game of Mahjong with you," he emphasised. 

Sweet god, but Conn was cute when he was annoyed with him, Mars thought, not put off for a moment by his reaction. He smiled happily and sat down opposite, he had wondered how he could get close to him without scaring him off. He was sure he could find a few opportunities to touch him while they were playing, an innocent brush of fingers, a casual bump of knees under the table, not to mention he could stare at those beautiful curved lips to his heart's content. 

"Not many people know how to play the game properly," he told him. "Levi's not bad but I always beat him. Let's see what you can do, give it your best shot. Oops, sorry, these tables are rather small aren't they?" 

Conn shifted his knees automatically under the table then dropped his eyes for a moment to disguise the flash of triumph.  

He had known from the beginning that he had to get close to the Captain somehow in order to discover the information he needed, but he didn't want to do it by putting himself in a situation where it looked like he was inviting a sexual pass. 

During the short amount of time he'd had to prepare for this assignment, he had discovered Mars was an expert at the ancient game of Mahjong. It looked like his intense study to brush up his own skills was about to pay off. And Mars had fallen for it.

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