Chapter Twenty Two

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Chapter Twenty Two 

One year later 

Liam Connell checked that Ser Bastian and his family were all safely secured in their seats before making his way forward to the small bridge. He nodded at Katrina Jess, his pilot, and took his own seat in front of the navigator's console unit. 

"Ready for departure, Hathor," he announced. 

"Adventure Tours, you are cleared for take-off," advised the well modulated voice of the control tower. Hathor was the main settlement on Isis and the only one with a space port. Although the planet had not been designated a Natural Park as many activists had hoped, most of it was protected from development, allowing only a few outposts of eco tourism apart from the town of Hathor.  

Katrina lifted the small craft off the landing field and into the dark blue sky above Isis, ready to set course for their head office in Mitra, on Bast. Connell glanced at her, appreciating her easy competence. She was the blackest person he had ever met, her skin almost ebony. Short black curls covered her delicately shaped head and direct blue eyes took no nonsense from anyone, himself included. She also had a long time girlfriend on Mitra, which meant their relationship was safe from the sexual complications which often ruined a good partnership. 

After his adventures a year ago, Connell had found he no longer fitted into the Patrol. Major Rice had hounded him for days after his rescue, never fully believing his story that Mars had overcome him in the prison cell on board the Avata. Although Rice hadn't found enough grounds to charge him with anything, the whole episode had left a cloud over his career and a bad taste in his mouth, and eventually Connell had resigned his commission.  

An opportunity a few weeks later to buy into the small business of Adventure Tours had seemed too good to pass up and he had never regretted the change. He and Katrina were the joint owners, employing two other staff to oversee the customer service and administrative parts of the business. 

Katrina piloted the small ship up out of the atmosphere and into orbit around the planet while Connell programmed the Comet for their first FTL jump on the way to Bast. There was no hurry and the passengers always enjoyed the opportunity to look at the planet below. 

To their surprise, a larger ship appeared nearby. Instead of backing safely away, it seemed to be trying to draw alongside them. Suddenly Connell had a bad feeling. 

"Quick, jump now!" he told Katrina.  

She flashed him a worried look, but obediently activated the jump sequence. Before it was fully completed, both of them felt a slight jolt. The Comet slowed and then came to a complete halt. "Tractor beam!" burst out Connell at exactly the same moment as Katrina increased the ship's power, trying to break free. 

The Comet shuddered then crept forward ever so slowly. Without being told, Katrina suspended the jump sequence, there was no way they could risk it while the ship was still caught in the tractor beam. The Comet was pulling fractionally ahead, metre by painful metre. 

"What's happening?" called out Ser Bastian from the rear. 

"I'm sorry Ser, but I think it's pirates," Connell called out. He and Katrina were locked into a fierce struggle with the other ship, neither of them could spare the time to go back and reassure their passengers. 

Ser Bastian exchanged disbelieving glances with his wife. Pirates? They weren't rich, comfortable yes, but not the sort of wealth that would attract pirates. There must be some mistake. They peered anxiously out of the port holes, trying to see what was happening. Their three young children wriggled excitedly in their seats. Pirates! They were going to see real pirates! Their friends at school would be so jealous. 

The Comet appeared to be holding its own, but no one on board relaxed. As if it had been playing with them, the larger ship suddenly increased its pull, keeping them motionless as it drew close enough to board. 

A message flashed across both console units on the bridge. "Attention Comet. We are about to board your vessel. If you co-operate with us, no one will get hurt. Unlock your hatch, now." 

Katrina and Connell stared calculatingly at each other. Neither of them wanted to give in to the pirate's demands but the safety of their passengers was their primary concern. Would it be safer to let the pirates in voluntarily? Or not? If the pirates put a hole in the hatch to get in, it would mean a very slow and dangerous trip back to Aykut, not to mention that it might seriously piss them off. 

They couldn't escape, perhaps it was better to surrender gracefully. It wasn't as if they were in a position to fight their way clear. 

Reluctantly, Katrina nodded at Connell. He sighed and released the catch. Both of them stood up and went back to look after the passengers. 

"Everyone stay calm and we'll see what they want," instructed Katrina. 

"They must have made a mistake," Ser Bastian protested in a slightly shaky voice. "We're not wealthy, we're not carrying any valuables." 

Unobtrusively, Connell went to stand beside him, the last thing he wanted was for anyone to do something silly which might escalate the situation. All eyes turned to the narrow entrance which led from the departure bay into the main cabin. A short man stepped through warily, a stunner in each hand. He was closely followed by three other men, two of whom quickly took up positions on either side of the entrance. They ran assessing eyes over all the occupants, dismissing the children after a brief moment and concentrating on the adults. 

"You've made a mistake," Ser Bastian told them. "We're not rich, we're not carrying any valuables." 

"We're not after your credits," the pirate announced looking from Ser Bastian to Connell, "You're the one we want. Come with us, and we can be on our way." 

"You want Connell?" queried Katrina in disbelief. "What for?" 

"Ransom," the pirate told her. "You'll have him back as good as new in a few days." 

"No way!" she protested hotly. "I don't know what you've heard but we're still getting ourselves established. At the moment we only make enough money to cover our debts and keep the business running. Holding my partner for ransom won't do you a bit of good!" 

"So you say," smiled the pirate unpleasantly. He turned to Connell with some impatience. "Come on, we haven't got all day!"  

"No, he's not going!" announced Katrina firmly, crossing her arms over her chest. 

The short pirate sighed, "If that's the way you want it." He stepped back as the larger man beside him opened fire with the stunner. He took out Katrina first then Connell and Ser Bastian before anyone could move. He looked at the remaining woman standing still with shock, then at the children and hesitated.  

"Leave them," ordered the short man testily. "Get him would you?" He gestured to Connell. Two of the pirates bent down to pick up Connell and carry him out of the cabin, his feet dragging between them. In less than a minute they left the Comet and entered their own ship, leaving behind shrill cries of dismay. 

An hour later Connell awoke with a jolt, to see a familiar face hovering over him with an expression of mixed apology and guilty delight. 

"Hullo Conn. I've missed you!"

Author's Note : Please remember to vote and comment if you are enjoying this story!  I'd really appreciate it :)

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