Chapter 13

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I've been avoiding Luca this morning. Ever since he kissed me, I can't look at him. I always start blushing and then walk away. I just want it to stop.

I was exploring the big house but this time took my time to look at the many portraits hanging on the walls. I came across a large portrait. It was a picture of two woman and Luca. There was an older woman who was very beautiful with long, dark brown hair and green eyes. There was another woman who looked like she was my age. She had black hair and blue eyes. I wonder who she is? Could she possible be Lucas ex girlfriend? But why would he hang it here? To make me jealous? That pissed me off. The nerve of that man!

I was busy thinking of ways to annoy Luca when two arms wrapped around my waist. I turned around about to scold him for the portrait but when we made eye contact, my anger vanished and was replaced by embarrassment and shyness instead. An image of him kissing me appeared in my mind. His arms were still around my waist. I tried to get his hands off me so I can walk away but failed. I avoided eye contact with him and kept my gaze behind. All this while he didn't say anything and kept staring at me while holding me.

"Why are you avoiding me?" He asked.

"I haven't been avoiding you." I said and felt my cheeks getting hot when I remembered the kiss again. I looked anywhere but him.

"Don't lie to me. I asked once, now I'm going to ask one last time. Why are you avoiding me?"

"Uh I-I don't know." Wow, you're so stupid, Luna.

"Hm, is it by any chance because of something that happened yesterday?" He asked smirking and I met his gaze to see him staring intently at me. His smirk disappeared when he looked down at my lips and kept his gaze on them for a few seconds before looking back at my eyes.

"No, of course not. Why would you think that?" I told him.

"Well my darling Luna, ever since I kissed you, you have been avoiding me so it makes sense to think that's the reason." He said rolling his eyes.

"Well, you're wrong." I said and it was my turn to roll my eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at me." He warned.

"Well, you don't roll your eyes at me too." I said to see him looking at me with an amused expression.

"So then, what is the real reason you were avoiding me?"

My confidence disappeared and I panicked to find a reason.

"Uh, I was just angry at the way you treated that poor waiter." I said making sure I didn't stutter.

Luca raised an eyebrow and looked at me with an expression that showed he didn't believe me. "Sure."

"Yep." I said smiling.

He unwrapped his arms from my waist and took a step forward to the large portrait. I watched him as he studied the portrait.

"I see you have found our family's picture." He said and put his hands behind his back.

"Your family?" I asked and stood next to him facing the portrait.

"Yes, my family." He said still studying the portrait. "That's my mother." He said pointing to the older woman in the picture. I started to notice the resemblance between Luca and his mother. Luca inherited the same dark brown hair and green eyes from his mother which I thought was adorable. I looked at the other woman and remembered to ask Luca about it.

"Who's this?" I asked him pointing to the other young woman who looked to be my age.

"That's my-" he started.

I faced him. "There's no point in lying. I know it's your ex girlfriend or maybe still your current girlfriend. I don't know why you would stick it up here for me to see. I know what you are trying to do. You're trying to make me jealous and let me tell you something, it's not working."

It was his turn to face me. He bent down and brought his face to my level. "That's my younger sister." He spoke.

My face started getting hot and it was starting to get hard to breathe. "Yeah, I knew that." Gosh, I was sounding like a clingy, jealous girlfriend. Why do I even care?

"Oh really?" Luca said. "Are you jealous?" My eyes widened at the last words he said.

"No! I just thought that she was an ex or something and that you wanted to make me jealous by hanging it up in the hallway where I could easily see it."

"Well, you were wrong. Like always."

"Heyyy. That's rude."

"It's not rude. It's the truth."

"Look who's talking about being wrong all the time. You just thought that I was avoiding you because of yesterday's kiss." He is right but he doesn't need to know that.

"You and I both know I'm right and that you thinking about that weak bastard who couldn't even stand up for himself, is an excuse."

"Wrong again." I said shaking my head. I looked at the portrait again and looked at Lucas younger sister. She was so beautiful. She must've gotten her black hair and blue eyes from her father.

"Where's your father?" I asked and looked at Luca.

Luca tensed up and clenched his jaw. He didn't answer and seemed to have gone into deep thought. I nudged him lightly.

"Luca, are you alright?" I asked. Luca looked at me with cold eyes. I gasped because he looked like he was going to kill someone.

He turned around and began walking the other direction. I was about to call his name when he stopped.

"Even though you weren't thinking about the waiter, I advice you to never think about another man other than me or you'll face the consequences." With that said, he left me to think by myself in the hallway.

Was it something I said?

Hey guys! I'm sorry I haven't been on for a while. I will try to be on more. I'm pretty sure this chapter has got a lot of grammar mistakes because I'm trying not to fall asleep so forgive me for that. It's late here and I need to sleep cause I've got school tomorrow. Ughhh. Anyways goodnight xx

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