Part 1, What or who is an Afreet

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Afreets though few in number have had a profound impact on life on Huom throughout the ages. These demi-gods — also known as Djinns, Demons, and Dragons — were the first living entities in the universe, perhaps the multiverse.

Technically, the only requirement needed to be called an Afreet is the endorsement of a god. However, that doesn't mean he, she, it will agree with the god. The motivations of Afreets — not just to those few mortals who are aware of their existence — can often seem confused and arbitrary.
Some of them are specifically spawned by a god or even another Afreet to perform a specific task. Others are just powerful mortals who are adopted by one god or another but essentially go about their business as before. Supposedly, there's also a third lesser known way that Afreets can be created. The exact process has never been made clear but somehow involves the power of philosophy. Since many Afreets, compared to other mortals, are practically immortal, their motivation has a tendency to shift over the ages.
All in all, dealing with Afreets is a lot like picking up snakes, one might be fine most of the time, but eventually one will get bit.

Afreets may in the strictest sense be mortal, meaning the can all die or be killed, but that doesn't mean they conform to mortal biology. They can exist in almost any shape or object; from a super-massive black hole to a single celled super-intelligence and anything in between or beyond. One of the stranger Afreets exists in the form of a continent wide network of fungus.

However, what they all have in common whether they admit it or not the is that they are the thugs and henchmen of gods. The front line combatants of the eternal conflict.

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