Part 2, The first Dragon

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"Everyone for the nest and no one for themselves."
-Common Akri greeting

The first Dragon was born in the Sakond nest in the latter part of the age of evolution. The eight age of Huom. Before her the Akri were a bunch of barely sentient lizard colonies. Staying in their underground nests, only coming out to raid other nests.

Born of the cleaner class, she who would rise to become the first matriarch of matriarchs. She is thought to be the first Akri to been given the curse of Thaat, more commonly known as magick. However, she was never officially a sorcerer. Not even the sorcerer factions of the time were foolish enough to go crawling around an Akri nest to perhaps find one out of the way sorcling.

Left alone to develop her powers on her own behalf, she became powerful indeed. So powerful in fact, that she drew the attention of the two underdogs of the of gods. Fnord and Fneitu, considered the two weakest of the gods — since their followers of reverse-agnosticism and self-ism respectively — were not big on following. Still, like all gods they had the power to adopt an Afreet, making a mortal into a demi-god. As the first sorcerer since the Age of Magick not forced into reverse-agnosticism, the Dragon was not the logical choice, but their only choice. Believers in serendipity would add that with a name like Dragon-Kitty her rise to power was unavoidable. Nevertheless, the god of serendipity is a completely different entity.

As she came into her power, she issued the first challenge to the matriarch of Sakond at the time. Before then the ageing matriarch would name her successor from one of those especially breed for the part. The successor would then sit in waiting until her death.
Dragon-Kitty went around this issue by the challenge of a death match to decide the "undisputed matriarch". Death matches were not an uncommon occurrence in Akri society, but it was the first time a reigning matriarch was challenged, and by a lowly cleaner no less. Only the males of the courtesan class were considered less than a cleaner.

After winning the match, the Dragon set about making fundamental changes in the Sakond nest. Bringing in teachers from neighbouring Korza, not a place known for their education, to help create a new class. The engineering class. The would construct the hive-ways that enabled her to attack and subdue every other Akri nest, finally making her the matriarch of matriarchs and the creator of the Shis nation.

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