Chapter 19

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Ever since my other incident with sultan i find it so hard to speak to him,

It was already dinner time and I still didn't know what he meant by 6 so I decided to ask him,

"Can i help you?" He asked the moment he saw me standing there with the plates on my hand

"Sorry" I whispered and left, i roamed around the kitchen not knowing what to do so i just decided to ask him bluntly,

I went out but I couldn't so i just decided to leave and come at 6 the next morning,

When i saw that no car was outside at 6, I instantly knew that it was pm so i went ahead to continue my things,

When it was almost time i went and took my bath and wore my one and only abaya and mismatching veil,

Immediately he saw me he gave me a disgusting look up and down and entered the owners corner,

There were just two cars one for luggages and the other was the rolls Royce he entered, the driver inside signaled me with his hand to come into the passenger seat so I hurried and entered,

We didn't drive for as long as we use to, i opened my eyes widely when i saw that we were at the airport but I hurried and swallowed my saliva before i start drooling,

I totally forgot that the maid was dumb and lack clothes so i had to call Mary to grab something simple and meet us at the airport because i cant afford the embarrassment,

I saw how she opened her eyes when she saw the airport sign but i just ignored her,

Immediately Mary arrived i tossed the shopping bag to her

"Hurry and wear it we're almost late"

Mary followed her to show her the rest room i guess while my guards went to prepare everything,

Few moments later they came out and by the looks on the girls face she was uncomfortable because of Marys clothe choice,

It was a black leggings and a blue trench coat with sneakers, i think she forgot to get a matching veil or anything for the girl to cover her hair with because i saw her wearing the purple veil she came with and I couldn't help but smacked my palm on my forehead before i just decided to ignore,

Immediately we headed to the plane since i was a VIP so we are first class passengers,

I directed my hands for her to go up the stairs first wanting to do the ladies first style which I instantly regretted because of how she was acting as if she was stepping on fire,

Finally she got up and followed immediately with my 2 bodyguards behind me, I didn't want them to come but Ummah said its for my own safety so here we are,

I sat on the inside side and allowed her to seat on the chair next to me,

"I'm not kidnapping you so please sit well" I whispered to her when i saw how she was acting as if she was sitting on thorns,

"I'm not kidnapping you so please sit well" I whispered to her when i saw how she was acting as if she was sitting on thorns,

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