Part 2

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(Disclaimer: the picture above is not mine)

Warning(s): a little too heavy French kissing, hickeys, some dry humping, Tae and Hobi being horndogs, blood, biting, I was too lazy to edit it through so yeah


The carriage bumped yet again, and you flew forward for the fifth time already. Quickly, steadying yourself with a string of embarrassed coughs.

Not a word had been spoken between you and Seokjin, since the arrival of the black carriage you now were sitting in. You weren't quite sure were the carriage at come from, and how the driver knew that it was needed; you weren't even sure it was actually Seokjin's, but anyhow you ended up sitting stiffly inside it, trying not to stare too much at the vampire before you.

He hadn't made a move the entire ride, not even a facemucsle did he move, the only thing showing that he was actually alive and not a statue, being his Adam's apple that would bop almost violently every few minutes. You wondered what he was thinking about.

Your eyes followed the almost hypnotic motion of his Adam's apple, focusing intently on the way it seemed to grow bigger in his throat before helplessly plopping down again in a swollowing motion.

Your mind instantly flashed to when he had taken your blood, just a couple hours earlier, how it must have bopped even more violently as he sank big mouthfuls of your precious red liquid down.

The thought made a strange sensation shoot through the two wounds on your neck, your hand absentmindedly coming up to delicately brush your fingertips against the slowly healing surface. The pain that once had almost numbed your entire body, was now a dull ache. It felt almost nice, the throbbing sensations in your wound running out to the rest of your body, feeling almost like a second heart.

You noticed how the two wounds seemed much warmer than the rest of your body, swallowing hard, as the tips of your fingers seemed to create a delicious friction against the itchy exterior of the wounds.

The nice feeling, making heatwaves rediate off the wounds, shooting directly down into your belly, creating even more warmth.

Slowly, you let your fingertips slip away from the wound, as your hand tiredly fell down into your lap, where the other one was already resting. Carefully, you tipped your head, leaning it against the cool window, trying to escape some of the heat that had now also travelled to your head.

You let your eyelids fall down and rob you off your vision, as the weight of the last few hours began to weigh you down. So much had happened, and so much was about to happen, but one thing was for sure; you could never return to your old life again.

You knew that if your parents, or anyone else found out you had willingly ventured into the north, and not even alone but accompanied by one of the creatures from said place, you would be executed the moment you sat foot in one of the other regions.

The princess who traveled to the land of her kingdoms most feared enemy.

The thought of worry were quickly being pushed aside, by the continuing thumps and throbs shooting through you like a clock. You didn't get scared by how hard the throbs had gotten, quite on the contrary it calmed you and you let out a content sigh, focusing completely on the way your wound warmed you up.

Not long after, your eyes fluttered for the last time, and your breathing became heavier by the second, lulling you into a peaceful, heavy sleep, your mind going out like a light as drifted off to nothingness.

You awoke by the feeling of cold hands gripping you, and soft, smooth fabric against your hands, as you subconsciously gripped it harder, sliding your fingers over it.

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