Part 3

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(Disclaimer: the picture above is not mine)

Warning(s): blood, biting, this is a vampire au after all, slight nudity, Taehyung still cant keep it in his pants, the reader is kinda aroused all the time ups, surprise surprise I didn't bother editing it through but are you really surprised that this point


The walk up to Jin's room was strange, to say at least. A heavy silence loomed over you, and not a single living creature showed up on your way, not even Hoseok or Taehyung who had surely only been a few meters in front of you.

You must admit you were a tad bit disappointed, secretly looking forward to see the faces of the other four, still unknown residents of the house.

The walk was shorter than you remembered, Seokjin racing down hallways with you right behind him, your wrist permanently locked in his tight grip, as he dragged you along. It seemed like the house were getting smaller and smaller with every hallways and corridor you passed, making you quite unsure of what you had seen just a couple minutes ago when you had ventured out by yourself.

But before long, Seokjin promptly stopped infront of what you assumed to be the door to his room, making you stumble a bit, faceplanting into his chest, and quickly, embarrassed stepping back.

Without a word, he unlocked the door, with a little, faded grey key, a satisfying 'click' sound echoing through the empty hallway.

Gently, Seokjin pushed you forward into his room, forgetting his own strength for a moment and making you fall forward harder than intended.

Quickly, a delicious smell filled your nostrils, and the sole reason why you walked down into the kitchens to begin with filled your brain; hunger.

In the exact same moment, your tummy grumbled, loudly and proudly, making Seokjin huff in amusement, the ice disappearing from his eyes as he remembered how human you were.

"As I said earlier, there's a meal waiting for you,"

He mused, making you look up at him with a rather offended look, as he stood there grinning.

So he thought it was funny how hungry you were, after he left you alone for what felt like hours without food?

Angrily, you marched in the direction of the delicious smelling meal prepared by his desk, and slumped down on the chair, as he followed you and sat down besides you without making the slightest sound.

Seokjins room were tightly organized, in fact it was organized so much there almost weren't any space left. To others, including you, it might have looked like a mess of books, papers and clothes scattered everywhere, but every piece of clothes and every ripped out page had a certain place, that's how Seokjin liked to organize his hoarders.

In between the many things he had scattered around, you recognized more than a few items, from the castles and and dormitories you had previously lived. Things you were certain, that a vampire would never need, and it puzzled you.

Your eyebrows furrowed, as your eye caught a cooking book laying on his floor. The kitchen looked like it hadn't been occupied for centuries, but still he had a cooking boom laying on his floor. And it wasn't just one, you noticed, there were many, ranking from pastries to exquisite meals that would surely be a king worthy.

Seokjin noticed you confusion, and huffed once again in amusement, a quiet, breathy sound that somehow still managed to radiate joy into to the world.

You shrugged, deciding to let it go, when the scent from the delicious looking food found its way back to your nose, and instantly your hunger won the battle, and it wasn't long before you were stuffing your face with all the goods laid out to you on the table.

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