•chapter twenty two•

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T H E N E X T M O R N I N G•


it's 6 in the morning and I'm sitting on Jeremy's bed while he gets ready school

"Can you please stop avoiding me?" I asked

"I'm not" he says

"Another lie" I say

"What do you want me say? Annabelle you could of told me you slept with him" he says

"It was before I even met you"  I say

"I still deserve to know" he says

"Oh okay you wanna played that card, how come you didn't tell me you killed Kol?" I asked

"That was to get rid of the urge to kill my friends and family and completely not relevant to what were talking about" he says

"You know you could of killed me, but lucky my power kept me alive" I say

He ignores my comment

"You know his family is dangerous, brother tried to kill Elena" he says

"I never met his family, I was only with him for a night and I literally died at end of night" I say

He finished packing his backpack, I stood up and walked over to him

"can you please stop being mad at me?" I asked

"I'm not mad at you" he says

"then what is it?" I asked

"I'm upset that at one point, you were with him, and you were happy" he says

"I get it, your jealous" I say

"I'm not jeal-" he started to say until I cut him off

"Yes you are and it's okay because I'm here with you and honestly I wish I never saw him again" I say

"Okay" he nods

I give him a kiss and a hug as he wrapped his arms around me

Before I got too into our I pulled away "it's almost 7 you should get to school" I say

"Okay, I'll see you later" he kisses my cheek

"Have fun" I say

"Yeah" He complains making me laugh

He walks out his room and I behind him, I turn off his light and shut his door

He walks away while I walk the opposite direction into my room

I laid down on my bed


•6   H O U R S   L A T E R•

I'm sitting outside on a bench in the backyard drinking this disgusting rodents blood

After the last 2 days I've been having this is the break I need until I felt a unexpected gush of wind

I look beside me to see Kol sitting beside me "What are you doing here Kol?" I asked

"I came to see you" he says

"I don't want see you" I say

"Well we obviously need to talk" he says

"I got nothing to say" I say

"I want you to know the relief off my chest when I saw you yesterday" he starts

"And all these feelings are coming back to me and I don't know what to do" he continues

"I can't do this" I say standing up to walk away

"Annabelle!" He gets up and follows me

"Leave me alone Kol!" I say walking towards the door to walk back inside when I felt arms around me and a another gush of wind

I pushed Kol away from me and I looked around to see we are in a green field

"Where the hell are we?" I screamed

"I just need a moment to talk to you" he says

"So you ran us out to the middle of nowhere?" I asked

"Stone, I just need to explain myself!" He says

"It's salvatore, how many times do I have to tell you!" I yelled at him

He put his hands up and backed away slowly before walking back towards me

"Okay I'm sorry I won't call you that anymore" he says

"I just need you to calm down" he says

I shake my head and looked around "I just wanna go home" I say

"Okay, just let me explain myself and I'll take you home I promise" he say

"Okay, What do you gotta explained?, how you left me in a random house in a random bed with no clothes?" I asked crossing my arms

"I thought you was dead Annabelle" he raised his voice

making me be quiet

"When we finished I thought you was gonna go to bed so I didn't want to bother you but I couldn't sleep so I turned over and I called for you and you didn't answer so I tried again and you still didn't answer so I tapped you over and over again and you still wouldn't wake up, I checked for heart and you were gone, I tried to give you my blood but you wouldn't drink it. It's was too late, you were gone" he says as tears down his face

"I didn't want to leave you, but some hunters crashed the party. If I would of stayed they would of been excited to see an original to kill" he says

"If I would of known you that you was going to wake up the next morning I would of taking with me" he says wiping his tears away

Now I felt bad, for yelling at him, for attacking him, for blaming Kol for everything

Not knowing what to say I walk towards him "can you take me home now?" I asked

"Yeah" he nods

He takes me in his arms and started running

Within a blink of an eye I was back in my backyard, I turn around to see Kol

I watched as he runs away

I turn back and walked back in the house


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