Chapter 7

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Navene continues to play with the young princess who followed her brother out arriving shortly after. Navene met her and she got lost playing with the wolves she has grown to adore. They are friendly and playfully towards the new comer. Prince Caspian continues to sit with Artemis and look upon her as if she was an artwork. Navene glances up to see that Artemis has chosen to not put back on her cloak, allowing the young prince to admire her true form. Cass notices that Navene is no longer looking to the wolves and follows his line of sight. She gasp and covers her mouth as she stands up slowly.

Sitting on the log next to the lake is a goddess. Cass continues to look upon the silver hair enchantress while walking to her. Navene watches closely but doesn't interfere. The wolves all watch as the young princess walks slowly to the young woman who is still looking out to the lake. Caspian notices movement from his shoulder and looks back to see his sister staring wide eyed at Artemis. Caspian grins seeing how his sister is looking upon the beauty beside him.


A timid voice reaches Artemis ears as she turns around earning another gasp from the young girl. Cass slowly walks around in front of them as Artemis' eyes stay trained on her worried for her reaction. Cass couldn't be more convinced of her being a goddess than when Artemis slowly stands up from the log. The lake river glistening and casting rays of light onto the metallic dress upon Artemis. Her hair is now braided to the side. Cass studies her as if she is a mythological creature until she notice's Artemis' inkling.

She steps forward to get a closer look which makes Artemis takes a small step back automatically. The prince notices and stands up beside her taking the young enchantress' hand gently into his own. The embers burning within the pit of the young prince's stomach erupt causing a fury of flames to course throughout his body... All by a mere touch of the hand. Artemis looks to the prince who gives a reassuring smile and a little squeeze of their conjoined hands. She looks back to the young princess whose smile is stretching the length of her face.

Cass stood there observing as her brother was quick to react to the beauties discomfort. She was not aware that she was making Artemis uncomfortable but luckily her brother did notice and was able to soothe her. Cass broke into a smile seeing a very strong bond forming between her brother and the beauty in front of her.

"Artemis, you are a goddess..." Cass' voice trails of as she studies the inkling running down the length of Artemis' arm.

Navene smirks watching how both the prince and princess become hypnotized by Artemis. He recalls the first time he met her and how he thought as well that she was an angel. True enough, that is what she became to him. His Guardian.

The wolves ears perk and they are quick to stand looking up to the sky. Navene goes on alert drawing out his sword. The wolves go and gather around the unknowing trio standing near the water.

Artemis, something is coming

Artemis closes her eyes and expands her mind seeing a winged creature flying directly towards her. She opens her eyes quickly.


She says loudly through the link to Navene and the wolves. They all nod as Artemis' eyes stay trained on the night sky. Navene is quick to walk to them his sword still to his side. Prince Caspian and Princess Cassandra eyebrow's are furrowed by the sudden change as they now see the wolves have encircled them protectively.

"Prince, we need to leave... Now." Navene says gently taking the young ladies hand. Prince Caspian looks to Artemis whose eye's are still trained upwards. He looks up but doesn't see anything. He then feels a gentle nudge to his calf. He looks down seeing a wolf gently pushing him away from his beloved.

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