30. Back In Time

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When I jolted awake, I saw Hermione's anxious face, peering down at me.

When I had registered what was happening, I got up and looked at Sirius, Lupin, Ron and Harry who were standing with a tied-up Peter.

After I got up, Sirius started walking towards me,

"I'm not sure if anyone ever told you-"

"You're my dad," I said.

"Well, yeah. Your parents were my first choice when all of this was happening," said Black stiffly.

I had a million questions, about why he attacked me and why he let my mother die but I never got to them.

A cloud shifted. There were suddenly dim shadows on the ground. Our party was bathed in moonlight.

I could see Lupin's silhouette. He had gone rigid. Then his limbs began to shake.

"He didn't take his Potion tonight! He's not safe!" Hermione gasped.

"Run," Black whispered, "run. Now."

There was a terrible snarling noise. Lupin's head was lengthening. So was his body. His shoulders were hunching. Hair was sprouting visibly on his face and hands, which were curling into clawed paws.

As the werewolf reared, snapping its long jaws, Sirius disappeared from my side. He had transformed. The enormous dog bounded forward. The dog seized the werewolf about the neck and pulled it backwards.

I stood, transfixed by the sight, too intent upon the battle to notice anything else. It was Hermione's scream that alerted me-

Pettigrew had dived for Lupin's dropped wand. There was a bang, a burst of light.

"Expelliarmus." I yelled, pointing my wand at Pettigrew. Lupin's wand flew high into the air and out of sight.

"Stay where you are!" Harry shouted, running forward.

Too late. Pettigrew had transformed and he scurried off.

"Sirius, he's gone, Pettigrew transformed!" I yelled.

Sirius was bleeding, there were gashes across his muzzle and back, but at Harry's words he scrambled up again, and in an instant, dashed away across the grounds.

"We have to take Ron straight to Madam Pomfrey before he gets hurt even more!" Harry said.

But then, we heard a yelping, a whining: a dog in pain.

"Sirius," I muttered.

I set off at a run, Harry and Hermione right behind me. The yelping seemed to be coming from the ground near the edge of the lake. We pelted toward it, and I felt the cold without realising what it must mean.

The yelping stopped abruptly. As we reached the lakeshore, we saw why, Sirius had turned back into a man. He was crouched on all fours, his hands over his head.

"Nooo," he cried.

And then I saw them. Dementors, at least a hundred of them, gliding in a black mass around the lake toward them. He spun around, the familiar, icy cold penetrating his insides.

I forced myself to think of something happy, and began to chant: "Expecto patronum! Expecto patronum!"

Black gave a shudder, rolled over, and lay motionless on the ground, pale as death.

"Expecto patronum! Expecto patronum!" me and Harry shouted.

The Dementors were closing in, barely ten feet from us.

The Prisoner of Azkaban | Hermione Granger x Male Reader (Book Three)Where stories live. Discover now