Her Brother and the Port

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Arabella cursed her luck. Of all the ports that had to be the closest, Warrick was by far the worst possible option. In fact, if she never stepped foot in Warrick again, it would make her one of the happiest people on Calypso’s Fall.

If she could feel anything like happiness.

The moment Jarrus told her of their new destination he knew how furious she would become. Which is why he put all of the blame on one person: Kaden.

Port Warrick wasn’t a very large port: a few docks large enough for three navy battleships and a few merchant vessels, a village with the bare necessities, and a mansion that overlooked the port from atop a nearby hill.  Arabella growled at the sight of it.

“Are you pouting?” Kaden asked, surprised as he and most of the crew disembarked and Arabella sat on the capstan, glaring at the quiet village.

“I am not pouting. I am glowering, you idiot,” Arabella hissed as Kaden sighed.

“And you’re staying aboard the ship?”

“What need would I have for going into that worthless navy town? After all, when you are arrested and hanged, I will simply sail away.” Arabella answered as Kaden glared at her harsh words. He scoffed before stomping down the gangplank. Arabella sighed once she was alone. Her eyes drifted from the blonde pirate’s back to the brightly lit mansion upon the hill.

“Hmph. I wonder…” She grumbled to herself as she let her mind drift through the village. She ignored the simpering families and rambunctious naval officers. She paused briefly on Kaden and the rest of the crew as they entered the local bar before she continued onward to the mansion.

It was easy enough to find her targets. Their habits hadn’t changed. The Admiral was busy in his office, while his wife sat in front of her vanity, preening her long dark hair. The fact that, other than a few soldiers and servants, they were alone in the large house bothered Arabella. Someone was missing. Something drove her to find him.

After scouring the mansion and the hillside, Arabella growled before she jumped off of the capstan and stormed down the gangplank. She pulled the collar of her long coat up around her face, although she was sure no one could recognize her now. 

He wasn’t in the village; that much she knew. She’d just need a glimpse.  Her eyes searched each man clad in a navy uniform. She couldn’t recognize any of their faces.

“Bella, I thought you were going to stay on the ship?” Kaden’s voice distracted Arabella as she turned to face him. She narrowed her eyes at his nosiness. Wasn’t he intending to get completely sloshed?

“I got bored. So I’m taking a walk. I fail to see the crime in that,” Arabella quipped sharply. Kaden frowned as he continued to follow the dark haired woman to the outskirts of the village. He paused to figure out how she managed to navigate around the village so well since, as far as he knew, she’d never been there.  Arabella stopped at an oddly misshaped tree and she sighed.

“How did you know…”

“You and your ridiculous questions are starting to get on my last nerve, Lockes,” Arabella snarled before Kaden could ask his question. He sneered at her.  

“Bella?” Arabella glared at Kaden as she heard someone call out her name from behind her. She didn’t need to turn to know who used that nickname for her. There was only one person other than Kaden who called her Bella: Damien.

“Bella, it is you, isn’t it?” She turned and pinned her glare on the man smiling at her. Damien Cartridge’s eyes glanced between his sister and the large blonde pirate behind her.

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